• Nicole Hough


    Please please please could you move the Appearance > Menus “Delete Menu” button to a less conspicuous location. Twice now I’ve meant to delete a menu item and instead deleted the entire menu since that’s what shows up at the bottom before you scroll to the bottom of the menu item box. The button is in such a prominent spot and there is no warning or undo option. [sad emoji]. Your help would be most appreciated.

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    Thank you for the suggestion. It seems you’re not alone in encountering this trouble. Unfortunately, according to the linked ticket, implementing your suggestion does not appear to be in the cards.

    It is feasible to add some custom admin styling to move the delete menu link off to the right, for example:

    span.delete-action {
        flex-grow: 2;
        text-align: right;

    Adding admin styling is a bit of a fuss if you’re not a PHP coder. It involves calling wp_enqueue_styles() from a callback function added to the “admin_enqueue_scripts” action hook. Alternately, apply custom styles from your browser by using an extension such as Stylus for Chrome.

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