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  • Hi,

    Please add the following code to your site css, it should move the image to the left:

    .single-ai1ec_event .wp-post-image
    	float: left;

    Take care,

    I have a client who has this plugin set up on their website. She would like to use the featured image to set the photo but this displays it 2 places on the event page. Is there a way to stop this? I can’t really send a url because we don’t want this to be live with the 2 images.

    Thread Starter mpankhurst


    Thanks for your help on this. I ended up removing the one put in there by the plugin and just adding in my own code for the featured image.

    Becky to remove the second image go to:
    Events -> Settings -> Viewing Events
    Check the box next to Hide featured image from event details page

    This will remove the featured image on the single event page. I then added in the featured image above the loop like so.

    <p style="text-align: center;"><?php the_post_thumbnail( 'full' ); ?></p>
    <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post();?>
    <?php the_content(); ?>
    <?php endwhile; endif; ?>

    No duplicates and allows me to freely move it around with css as I wish.

    Thanks for your help! I will give it a try!

    @mpankhurst – Seems like a clever solution. Can you guide me a bit as to where exactly you are inserting your code? Thanks!

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