Thanks for a quick reply. I’ll try to clarify the situation the best I can.
I understand that it is WordPress that grants access. Sorry for not expressing it clearly.
The reason why I consider accessing the User Profile much less of a security risk, and annoyance, than Subscribe2 Profile is that I can access the User Profile from front end. Since I easily can restrict access to back-end for editors, authors, contributors and subscribers and still access and update User Profile from front-end the problem with unwanted access to back-end for registered Subscribe2 users is a greater security risk.
The situation is this. If a registered Subscriber2 user (contributor) gets access to back-end it means the user can write posts (cannot publish), write FAQs (cannot publish) copy shortcodes in Contact7, view all types of comments (pending, approved, spam and trash) and access Tools (Press this). On top of that the user can access the User Profile page in backend and Notification Settings in Subscribe2. To sum it up, the user has access to stuff that he does not need to have access to and that is not beneficial to me, or other site owners. I can sort this by changing the capabilities in the “other functions/plugins”. I cannot see how I can fix it by changing caps for Subscribe2 users.
On top of this, when a registered user (contributor) on my site he has access to his User Profile page from front-end and can update all relevant data (except subscriptions) he is faced with three different “Profile Pages”. One is the front-end version. The other is User Profile in back-end. And the third is what you refer to as “the profile”. That is the Notification Settings page. Strictly speaking that is not a “Profile page”, it is a settings page.
I think you can see I have some problems. And I don’t think I am the only one having them.
The usual role for someone who is subscribing to Subscribe2 is subscriber. Then the back-end only shows User Profile and the Notification Settings. But the subscriber is still ushered into the back-end. There is not as much to “fool around with” as if the Subscribe2 subscriber is a contributor.
I understand that can you say simply can say, “Well, that’s my problem”. I do think that many users of the plugin would appreciate if the subscriptions could be handled from front-end. At least there are a number of them asking for it in the forum in the last couple of years. There is no purpose in letting Subscribe2 users get into back-end if they can be kept outside. I think you agree.
If you could, in the paid version, arrange that Notifications Settings were in the User Profile I’ll be happy to supply you with the Premium Themes that transfers full User Profiles from back-end to front-end. And I would be pleased to pay for the Paid version and getting images and HTML as well. Hopefully there are many more that feels the same.
I don’t know if this makes sense to you. If you have any questions, I’m ready to answer all of them.
Thank you for spending time answering,
G?ran Rudling
P.S I think you understand that I am a programming midget. I know what functionality I want, but I have no clue of how to get there.