• Resolved colin73


    Hi guys – the job listing is coming along nicely but the apply for job but seems to be permanently positioned at the bottom of the listing.. our client would prefer to see it at the top… is there an easy way to relocate it?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor jonryan


    Thread Starter colin73


    Hi.. Thanks for the reply.. but… we are not developers (no php experience at all!) so unless there is a real easy step by step.. we’d have to get external help..

    I’m a bit surprised there is no configuration option – from our client’s perspective – (UK job market) applicants tend to have a very short attention span.. quick read of the headline – area, salary then.. bang..click apply .. at the moment we can achieve the result by inserting a button at the top of the post and then hyperlinking down to the bottom of the page.. where the existing apply button is working really well throws with ninja forms extensions..
    Thanks for the help – any thoughts advice would be appreciated –

    Plugin Contributor Davor


    Hi Colin,

    To achieve what you need, you can cut/paste the lines 39,40, and 41 from the file that Jon linked and move them above (to line 34 for instance).

    We don’t have a configuration option for this since many themes that are built on top of WP Job Manager have their own way and style of displaying the apply button. Nevertheless, you can move the button by modifying the aforementioned template file (make sure to follow the best practices for template overrides – https://wpjobmanager.com/document/template-overrides/).

    If you need help with this or any other customizations, I can recommend these services:



    Thread Starter colin73


    Hi guys – as ever one modification has led to a request for another!

    The client has asked that the job summary .. the part at the top of the listing that starts with a company icon be removed from each individual job listing.

    I’m thinking that this will mean removing content-summary-job_listing.php .. or at least some of the lines? Could you point me in the right direction again?

    Many thanks

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