• Hello,

    I did this in 2.0, but the backend has all changed and I have no idea how to do it in the new version.

    I need the extract to be just below the title because my writers always forget about it when it’s so far down. How can I do it?

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  • Open edit-form-advanced.php in wp-admin folder.

    Cut the code from line 257 to line 262 – the code is what is below:

    <div id="postexcerpt" class="postbox <?php echo postbox_classes('postexcerpt', 'post'); ?>">
    <h3><?php _e('Excerpt') ?></h3>
    <div class="inside"><textarea rows="1" cols="40" name="excerpt" tabindex="6" id="excerpt"><?php echo $post->post_excerpt ?></textarea>
    <p><?php _e('Excerpts are optional hand-crafted summaries of your content. You can <a href="https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Template_Tags/the_excerpt" target="_blank">use them in your template</a>'); ?></p>

    Now paste this code after the </div> on line 192. That should do it.

    Thread Starter obsessedwithfilm


    That code isn’t even there in 2.6….

    Sorry I was still on 2.5.1.

    Do the same with the code between lines 278 and 282 and paste it after the DIV on line 213.

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