Hello. I love your plugin and use it on almost every site I build / take over, at least in recent years. Currently at 68 sites. https://app.screencast.com/yudpY8myZDSaA
But I have to admit, this new “move under sibling” and related functions are confusing and muck up an already full quick action menu bar. When they first showed up, I thought it was related to some other plugins, or even core features. I had to dig around a bit to find out where it came from. I then found this post and appreciate that we can unset the function.
I think the plugin should stick with the original mission . . . “Sorting”. I don’t thing child / parent hierarchy fits into this scope. Also, It’s not too hard to adjust hierarchy as it is (via the Quick Edit function in list view). Finally, adjusting hierarchy is a function so rarely used, that it does not need to be in the quick function hover menu, unlike the need to sort posts.
I am painstakingly installing this ‘unset’ function on every site I use SPO as I access them.
At least consider adding it into a settings / options page, with it defaulted to “OFF”
Thanks for listening.