• I’ve noticed that in the moving instructions
    it mentions that you can try to simply move the blog content by exporting XML from the old blog/host and importing to the new blog/host.

    My original blog is on exampleone.com WP version 2.1.3 and I created a new installation of WP 2.3.3 on exampletwo.com/wordpress using the new host fantastico installer.
    I have imported my blog into the exampletwo.com/wordpress. In the process it listed all the posts it added and also added images.

    I can see all my articles just fine, it even transfered my post views, but the images are still linked to the old blog domain. Which I guess makes sense.
    But if I go to manage my uploads I cant see any images or access any images and I get messages like this:

    Warning: filesize(): Stat failed for /services/webpages/p/r/exampleone.com/public/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/image.JPG (errno=2 – No such file or directory) in /home/content/m/a/k/exampletwo/html/wordpress/wp-admin/includes/upload.php on line 42

    Almost all of my original posts include images that I uploaded to my old server, but it seems like the wp-upload.php information is incorrect? I looked at wp-upload.php line 42 but i dont see what I could change.

    I then copied all my upload files onto the new exampletwo/wordpress/wp-content/uploads location, but still has an error.

    Is there a way to redirect all my uploads to the new server and new domain? I looked at “siteurl” and “home” in the database and they both point to exampletwo.com/wordpress.

    Is there some other part of the database I need to adjust?

    If I change the domain of my new server to the original exampleone.com, will this problem go away?

    thanks for any help or advice.

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