A simple mini plugin which does that could look like this:
Plugin Name: podPress bulk URL update
Plugin URI:
Description: updates all Location URLs in _podPressMedia postmeta entries (Requirement: podPress needs to active)
Author: ntm
Version: 1.0
Author URI:
add_filter('admin_init', 'podpress_location_urls');
function podpress_location_urls() {
GLOBAL $wpdb;
$query_string = "SELECT pod.meta_id, pod.meta_value FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."postmeta as pod WHERE pod.meta_key = '_podPressMedia'";
$podpressmetadata = $wpdb->get_results($query_string, ARRAY_A);
if ( TRUE === is_array($podpressmetadata) AND FALSE === empty($podpressmetadata) ) {
for ($i=0; $i < count($podpressmetadata); $i++) {
$data_ar = unserialize($podpressmetadata[$i]['meta_value']);
if ( TRUE === is_array($data_ar) AND FALSE === empty($data_ar) ) {
for ($j=0; $j < count($data_ar); $j++) {
// search for https:// and replace it with https://
$new_url_data = str_replace('https://', 'https://', $data_ar[$j]['URI']);
$data_ar[$j]['URI'] = $new_url_data;
$podpressmetadata[$i]['meta_value'] = serialize($data_ar);
$result = $wpdb->update( $wpdb->prefix.'postmeta', array('meta_value' => $podpressmetadata[$i]['meta_value']), array('meta_id' => $podpressmetadata[$i]['meta_id']), array('%s'), array('%d') );
You would need to replace the search and replace string according to your needs.