I use the Genesis Framework & Studiopress Child Themes. Just thought I’d post the solution I got from the StudioPress Team. StudioPress has some of the BEST customer service I’ve ever experienced. I hope it will help anyone else. Turns out in my case, when I moved the site, the Child theme was activated without the Parent them. My Parent Theme needed to be re-installed
1st – Reveal the problem – Turn on De-bug mode
The WordPress White Screen of Death can often be avoided by activating the WordPress Debug mode. You can use an FTP capable text editor to quickly change this setting while developing.
In your WordPress Configuration file. (wp-config.php) add these lines:
// Set this to true during development.
define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);
Place that on a new line somewhere above this line:
/* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
In newer versions of WordPress the line is already there. It just needs to be set to true.
This doesn’t fix problems. It makes it easier to find them. PHP errors should now be revealed in the browser. You shouldn’t have to go into the error logs to find many errors.
You should deactivate WordPress Debug mode before you deliver the web site to your customer. To deactivate it, either set the line to false:
define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);
Or change it a comment:
// define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);
Second – Re-Install parent them via FTP
One issue that comes up regularly in the StudioPress forums is accidentally activating the child theme without Genesis being installed, or accidentally deleting Genesis (sometimes for a manual upgrade) with the child theme already active. Either of these will result in an error like this
Warning: require_once(%path-to-wordpress%/wp-content/themes/genesis/lib/init.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in %path-to-wordpress%/wp-content/themes/%child-theme%/functions.php on line 3
The solution:
You will need to access your site via FTP. Once there navigate to your site theme directory. This will vary by host and site setup, but it often looks something like this /public_html/wp-content/themes/. The error code will actually tell you exactly where this is, but typically you will not have access to the first part of the path, but will have access starting around the public_html(or similar) directory.
If you already have Genesis backed up on your computer find that folder. Otherwise, you will need to download the latest version of Genesis from the forums and unzip. Make a note of where the file is and navigate to it in your FTP client.
Make sure the directory you are about to upload is “genesis” spelled exactly like that and that directly inside the directory is “style.css” (along with several other files and directories). If you are using FileZilla (recommended below) on a Windows system then right mouse click the “genesis” folder and select to upload. On Mac you have to activate the context menu by holding ctrl when clicking unless you have a mouse with a secondary button or other means of accessing the context menu.