Your half battle is won by the wise decision – using a basic theme to start with. You can thoughtfully change it later.
The first thing is, when you were on Blogger, the URLs ended with *.html extension. So you must be careful to get the older backlinks to this new setup (on your setup it ends with usual “/”). Second is (probably you have done it), you have to redirect the old webpages to the corresponding newer. In Blogger it is relatively easier, just Google search it. You need to add some codes at header of old blog.
Third point is, as it is a photography blog, there will be lot of high quality images. You can use looseless compression to make them lighter in size or try to use Flicker like service to serve them (or use a CDN later).
Most important thing I noticed, your images are still on your Google Blogger’s blog related repository. You need to import them to your own server.
Please copy paste this url on your browser’s address bar to check which are not on your server :
As you are a new user, this info might be helpful to you : almost all of us use W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache Plugin like cache plugins to make our websites load faster plus to save our bandwidth.
On your WordPress Admin panel, there are options to set whether you want to show the full content or not, how many posts you will show etc. As it is a Photography blog, you probably want to reduce the number of posts to load less number of images at home page.
Your website is quite good.