• petroica


    I just moved a WP install from one domain to another by exporting the DB, find and replacing the domain address, and then importing it and moving all the site files to the new domain. I’ve done this before without a hitch, but am having trouble this time around. Admittedly, I was moving the site from a folder on a domain, to the root of another domain. Maybe this is why I have the problem.

    The site with the errors is here: https://www.africanwildlifeconservationfund.org/

    On the front page, where I try to fetch an external feed, there is an error about /htdocs/wp-includesfeed.php being missing. Why is there no slash after wp-includes? Do I have a path set up incorrectly in my config? I checked the template that the homepage uses, and the code seems to be intact: <?php include_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . 'feed.php');. Perhaps my WPINC was set incorrectly during my find-and-replace bonanza? Oddly, the feed is still fetched properly. All pages seem to be broken as well, throwing Internal Server Errors.

    Any hints?

    Edit: It seems that WPINC is indeed set to 'wp-includes' (no slash). Is this as it should be? The template page and WPINC setting are the same on the old installation of WP, but somehow there I get no error?

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  • Thread Starter petroica


    Additional information: The page tries to fetch feed.php two times and errors out before succeeding the third time. I have no idea why, but I’m hoping that might provide an extra clue. Is it possible that some integral file didn’t transfer properly during the move?

    Thread Starter petroica


    Alright, I hit “Save settings” on the main WP settings page, and that seemed to fix my broken pages issue. But I’m still having the bizarre feed.php errors that I can’t make sense of.

    Full code for this part of the template is as follows:

    <h1>From our Wild Dogs Blog</h1>
    <?php if (function_exists('fetch_feed')) { ?>
    <?php include_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . 'feed.php');
    	$feed = fetch_feed('https://zimbabwewilddogs.wildlifedirect.org/feed/');
    	$limit = $feed->get_item_quantity(3);
    	$items = $feed->get_items(0, $limit);
    if (!$items) {
    	echo "problem";
    } else {
    	foreach ($items as $item) { ?>
    <div class="date"><?php echo $item->get_date('M j'); ?></div><h2><a href="<?php echo $item->get_permalink(); ?>"><?php echo $item->get_title(); ?></a></h2>
    <?php }
    } ?>

    <?php } ?>

    Thread Starter petroica


    Both domains were running Linux, and the same version of PHP. I just gave up and added a slash to the beginning of feed.php, though the old site somehow worked without it. I imagine maybe this has something to do with the server settings.

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