Simple copy all folders from old server to new server.Then
enter into folder what you have uploaded into new server then rename wp-config.php file to temp_wp-config.php.
Now time to run new server URL at browser mean newdomain.com
then browser will display and ask some settings section.
Click on button Create configuration file then give your necessary info for DB.
Then it will create a wp-config.php file automatically.(If not then browser will display some code then you have to copy them and open now temp_wp_config.php delete all contents of it then paste what you have copied.Now rename temp_wp-config.php file as it is previous mean wp-config.php)
Now click below button at browser.
It will ask some site information to you then fill it .then
Login in now.
After login into your site then check your user site also.
After that activate your theme what you need and then install a wordpress importer plugin now.
Then after go to Tools menu form left side menu list.
Click on Import button then import your XML file her what you have downloaded.
I think you will be get idea about this.If any problem then inform me.
Reference URL : https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Moving_WordPress
Cheers !!!