Moving contents in doc head
I noticed an issue where my CiviCRM forms wouldn’t load using shortcode. They would also have some placement errors using a direct link. The problem still persisted after I deactivated all plugins and changed to the twentyeleven theme to rule out a theme specific issue. I realised that the cause of the problem was the location of the following Facebook widget code in the header file:
<div id="fb-root"></div> <script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>
I had placed the previous code snippet before wp_head(). After removing the code the problem went away and after placing it below wp_head() the problem went away.
The form loading and placement issue reappeared once I activated NGFB Open Graph 5.0.1 (with the previous Facebook code removed). The debug information is below. My question is:
– Have you ever heard of anyone experiencing this before? If not,
– How can I change the location of the NGFB Open Graph header rendering code? My theory is if I place it as the last item before the closing </head>, it will fix the problem.<!-- NGFB Open Graph debug from ngfbHead::add_header() Debug Log : ngfbUtil :: __construct : object created ngfbNotices :: __construct : object created ngfbOptions :: __construct : object created ngfbHead :: __construct : object created ngfbOpenGraph :: __construct : object created ngfbSocial :: __construct : object created ngfbSocialFacebook :: __construct : object created ngfbSocialGooglePlus :: __construct : object created ngfbSocialTwitter :: __construct : object created ngfbSocialLinkedIn :: __construct : object created ngfbSocialPinterest :: __construct : object created ngfbSocialStumbleUpon :: __construct : object created ngfbSocialTumblr :: __construct : object created ngfbSocial :: add_filter : this->filter_the_excerpt() added ngfbSocial :: add_filter : this->filter_the_content() added ngfbUser :: __construct : object created ngfbTags :: __construct : object created ngfbMedia :: __construct : object created ngfbWebPage :: __construct : object created ngfbShortCodeNgfb :: __construct : object created ngfbShortCodeNgfb :: add : [ngfb] shortcode added ngfbPostMeta :: __construct : object created ngfbCache :: __construct : object created ngfbPlugin :: setup_vars : debug mode active - setting ngfb_object_cache_exp = 1 seconds ngfbHead :: add_header : is_archive() = false ngfbHead :: add_header : is_attachment() = false ngfbHead :: add_header : is_category() = false ngfbHead :: add_header : is_home() = false ngfbHead :: add_header : is_search() = false ngfbHead :: add_header : is_singular() = true ngfbOpenGraph :: get : object cache: og array transient id salt "ngfbOpenGraph::get(sharing_url:" ngfbWebPage :: get_title : wp_title() = "Contribute" ngfbWebPage :: get_title : apply_filters() = "Contribute" ngfbWebPage :: get_title : this->ngfb->util->cleanup_html_tags() = "Contribute" ngfbWebPage :: get_description : is_singular() = true ngfbWebPage :: get_description : use_post = false ngfbWebPage :: get_description : calling this->get_content() ngfbWebPage :: get_content : using content from post id 58 ngfbWebPage :: get_content : object cache: filtered content wp_cache id salt "ngfbWebPage::get_content(post:58_filtered)" ngfbSocial :: remove_filter : this->filter_the_content() removed = true ngfbShortCodeNgfb :: remove : [ngfb] shortcode removed ngfbWebPage :: get_content : calling apply_filters() ngfbSocial :: add_filter : this->filter_the_content() added ngfbShortCodeNgfb :: add : [ngfb] shortcode added ngfbWebPage :: get_content : content strlen() before = 53, after = 21063 ngfbWebPage :: get_content : object cache: filtered content saved to wp_cache for id "ngfb_29dcb64465f63f6d27dc58581adb7e5a" (1 seconds) ngfbOpenGraph :: get : calling this->get_content_videos(1) ngfbOpenGraph :: get_content_videos : calling this->ngfb->webpage->get_content() ngfbWebPage :: get_content : using content from post id 58 ngfbWebPage :: get_content : object cache: filtered content wp_cache id salt "ngfbWebPage::get_content(post:58_filtered)" ngfbWebPage :: get_content : object cache: filtered content retrieved from wp_cache for id "ngfb_29dcb64465f63f6d27dc58581adb7e5a" ngfbOpenGraph :: get_content_videos : no <iframe|embed/> html tag(s) found ngfbOpenGraph :: get : calling this->get_all_images(1, "medium") ngfbOpenGraph :: num_remains : images count = 0 of 1 max (1 remaining) ngfbOpenGraph :: get_all_images : calling this->get_meta_image(1, "medium", 58) ngfbOpenGraph :: num_remains : images count = 0 of 1 max (1 remaining) ngfbOpenGraph :: get_all_images : calling this->get_featured(1, "medium", 58) ngfbOpenGraph :: num_remains : images count = 0 of 1 max (1 remaining) ngfbOpenGraph :: get_all_images : calling this->get_attached_images(1, "medium", 58) ngfbOpenGraph :: num_remains : images count = 0 of 1 max (1 remaining) ngfbOpenGraph :: get_all_images : calling this->get_content_images(1, "medium") ngfbOpenGraph :: get_content_images : calling this->ngfb->webpage->get_content() ngfbWebPage :: get_content : using content from post id 58 ngfbWebPage :: get_content : object cache: filtered content wp_cache id salt "ngfbWebPage::get_content(post:58_filtered)" ngfbWebPage :: get_content : object cache: filtered content retrieved from wp_cache for id "ngfb_29dcb64465f63f6d27dc58581adb7e5a" ngfbOpenGraph :: get_content_images : no <div id="ngg-image-#"> html tag found ngfbOpenGraph :: get_content_images : 1 x <img/> html tag(s) found ngfbUtil :: fix_relative_url : relative url found = /wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/i/mini_cvv2.gif ngfbUtil :: fix_relative_url : relative url fixed = ngfbOpenGraph :: get_content_images : src = ( x ) ngfbOpenGraph :: get_content_images : src image rejected: width and height attributes missing or too small ngfbOpenGraph :: get : calling this->get_default_image(1, "medium") ngfbMedia :: get_attachment_image_src : image for pid:111 size:medium = (300 x 225) ngfbOpenGraph :: slice_max : max values reached (1 == 1) ngfbOpenGraph :: get : object cache: og array saved to transient for id "ngfb_d617b7130f020c0b6400c482c66eb3c7" (1 seconds) ngfbDebug :: get : truncating debug log -->
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