• Hello there,
    I have build a new website on seedcare.eu but did it in a submap seedcare.eu/wordpress with a index.html redirect in the root.
    Now that it is up and running I would like to move it to the root and loose the redirect.

    However following the codex steps. I keep ending up with a non working site that I need to fix via the php admin and replacing backups.

    Could someone give me a noob step-by step to help me move the site, working and all?

    Mark Keulen
    a new wordpress site builder for my own company

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  • The codex is the best source for moving a site. But really a simple way is to:

    1. Copy your wordpress files from seedcare.eu/wordpress to the root.
    (make sure to copy them as you don’t want to lose anything)
    2. Go to phpMyAdmin and access the database for your wordpress install
    3. Under the table wp_options change the site url to match your actual site domain and you are all done!

    This is off memory, but it should work!

    Good luck!

    It is best to follow this:

    a very complete guide

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