• Hi there,
    I’m currently working on https://www.denyerec.co.uk/blog/
    Now, the root index file of the site is at https://www.denyerec.co.uk/
    That loads my gallery.
    I’d like to make the Blog (Now I’m serious about it!) the first entry point to the site. However, my gallery script won’t take kindly to being moved, and I’m unsure about how to move the index.php file from the Blog folder up one level.
    If anyone has ever tried moving or relocating the blog index to another location, I’ve love to hear from them to find out how they did it and what problems they incurred.
    Many thanks,
    P.S. Hope you all like what I’ve done with my WP template…

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  • Maybe it would be better to use a fast redirect to get them there. This is a Meta tag that moves the browser to another page automatically. Here is an example of my own code META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="15; URL=https://josiah.ritchietribe.net/blog/". Remember to put brackets around it. You can change the 15 to 1 or maybe even 0 to redirect quickly. This code is in https://josiah.ritchietribe.net/b2/ if you want to see it in action. The URL is the place it is going.

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