Hey team,
I have yet to redirect my powerpress rss feed to my buzzsprout rss feed. I am not doing this because I am unhappy with powerpress. Quite the contrary, you people are awesome! However, I dont think I will continue my wordpress site in the future. Therefore, I want to have everything in one place on my buzzsprout feed. In the past, before powerpress allowed spotify submissions I submitted my buzzsprout rss feed to spotify. However, I have had my powerpress rss feed submitted to apple from the beginning. So this whole time I have had two different feeds submitted, one to Spotify and one to Apple.
Now the simple thing would be to just set up a 301redirect with the Redirection plug in, because I already have all the episodes and show notes hosted on buzzsprout. However, in order to keep my GUIDs Buzzsprout wants me to import everything that is in my powerpress rss feed and then delete everything thats currently in my buzzsprout rss feed. NOW, here is what I worry about. All I have been doing is hosting the media files with buzzsprout and then I take the direct mp3 link that buzzsprout supplies and insert that into a new post on my wordpress site using the powerpress plug in. If I now import everything from my powerpress rss feed into buzzsprout will it copy the actual media files into it, since they are currently being hosted in buzzsprout? The only reason I would have to import anything is to keep the GUIDs. When I am taking that buzzsprout direct mp3 download link and inserting it in the powerpress plugin does that even create new GUIDs? Or should they be the same as the ones I already have in buzzsprout? I know this might sound confusing. It would be so much easier to explain over the phone.
Please help. This is what has kept me from doing my 301redirect for months. I have tried to explain my concerns to buzzsprout support, but they dont understand how powerpress works.
Thank you! I really appreciate the support