bknapp614 There are several good guides for helping move a WP site from one host to another. One that I’m a big fan of is: https://wordpress.shadowlantern.com/migrating-wordpress-to-a-new-location/
But there’s another method I’ve also found rather helpful in copying everything over to the new location so you don’t have to re-configure the plugins and site so much.
The basic process for moving a wordpress site is like this:
1. Download all the wordpress site files from the old location using FTP
2. export the database from the old host through phpmyadmin
3. create a new database on the account where you’re moving the wordpress site to
4. import the exported database file into the new database you created
5. upload all the site files using FTP into the new host where you want the site to be
6. Edit the wp-config.php file to set it to use the new database, username, and password that you created in step 3
You may need to contact your different hosting providers for the best help in performing some of those steps, but this is especially more useful if your not moving from wordpress.com because it helps to keep everything how it is on your current host.
However, if you’re changing any part of the URL for the site you’ll need this article: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Changing_The_Site_URL to help you to make those URL changes.
Good Luck!