[ @deputy05, I think you can begin to think of yourself as an expert by now ?? ]
@khaugrud to move your captions over, you can add the following to the Custom CSS panel in Appearance > Customize:
.carousel-caption {
margin-left: 20%;
Play with the 20% figure until it looks right (it’s currently 11%).
To move the text up, deputy05 is right, you will need to add the code to a child-theme’s functions.php. More details on that here:
Make sure that you have an FTP connection to your server before doing this, as incomplete/incorrect pasting could break your site (I wish it weren’t so, but it’s so easy to break a site with a missing “;” that you need to be ready for it).
An alternative is the paid featured pages plugin, which gives you the round circles just like the theme (and more of them, if you want), but allows you to choose the positioning. You can find this on the themesandco.com site.