I’ve been struggling with this for some time. locally, i have an install of WordPress 2.8.1 with e-commerce plugin running. my shop is ready to go locally.
in order to get this site up on the server, i’ve taken these steps:
1) exported my local db
2) ftp’d all my local wp files to the server
3) created an empty db on the sever
4) pointed my config file at the db and ran the wp install
5) wordpress filled up the db as usual, so now i had a working wp 2.8.1 install.
6) i tried importing the local db using the live phpMyAdmin. It gave me an error that certain files already existed. It didn’t ask me if i wanted to overwrite them. so that failed.
7) i tried emptying all the tables on wp live install, and then importing the db – which also gave me the error that certain files already exist, with no option to overwrite them
what am i doing wrong? i can’t figure out how to duplicate my local build on the server.
the two articles recommended by MichaelH don’t go into such details either. and believe it or not, i can’t find a single clear explanation amongst the promising article on the web that suggest a solution to this same issue: how to migrate a complete local MAMP install to a live install
thanks much!