• Resolved piccart


    Hello! I have previously opened a support topic here in relation to a problem we had with the fact that Mpdf was creating temporary directories and files when generating the cookie policy pdf.

    You’ve been very kind and created a patched version where that functionality is disabled, and it works well for us. Thanks again!

    though I was hoping that version 7 would include that patch, but I just checked and it doesn’t seem the case. Am I mistaken? I am looking at line 2991 of the file /class-document.php

    We can keep using the patched branch, but it’d be great if we could update to the latest version at some point. Could you maybe just add a filter so we can eventually disable the temp_dir and you won’t have to refactor the default workflow?

    many thanks!

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  • Plugin Support daniub



    we are forwarding your question to our developers.

    They will provide a response in the next days ??

    Plugin Author Rogier Lankhorst


    Hi @piccart,

    As discussed in that thread the temp directory was dropped, and a filter was added: cmplz_mpdf_args

    You can find the code in: documents/class-document.php, line 1984.

    Possibly you are looking in that particular branch, while the latest version lives in the main branch.

    Based on the thread, it seems to me that the latest version should work out if the box for you.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Thread Starter piccart


    hello @rogierlankhorst , sorry for the belated reply!

    I updated the plugin to the latest version and it does indeed seem to work correctly in our enviornment. ??

    I am not sure what I was looking at, I thought I downloaded the latest version from the WP repo, but I must have clicked the wrong thing at some point.

    Apologies for the misunderstanding, and many thanks for your help!

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