Hey chsxf thanks for your post. Since my initial post was rather sparse I went on a little plugin collision check and found out that mqTranslate 2.8 does indeed work perfectly fine. So I apologize for saying it didn’t work.
I’m using the premium Final theme which comes with/uses Shortcodes Ultimate and Contact Form 7. So I tried turning on and off the plugins I’m using to see what causes trouble, my results:
When using Final (Vergo) theme:
mqTranslate 2.8 works, mqTranslate 2.8 works with qTranslate slug 1.1.7
mqTranslate 2.8 collides with Shortcodes Ultimate 4.9.3
qTranslate slug 1.1.7 collides with Contact Form 7 – Version 4.0.2
Shortcodes Ultimate 4.9.3 works, Shortcodes Ultimate 4.9.3 works with Contact Form 7 – Version 4.0.2
When using Twenty Fourteen (WordPress) theme:
mqTranslate 2.8 works with qTranslate slug 1.1.7 and Shortcodes Ultimate 4.9.3, but collide with Contact Form 7 – Version 4.0.2.
When one of the plugin collides it now doesn’t break the front-end anymore, “only” the admin area becomes blank. I believe this was “resolved” because Contact Form 7 had a small update which I installed today (was released 12 hours ago).
I hope it would be possible to make mqTranslate/qTranslate slug work together again with Shortcodes Ultimate and Contact Form 7, so how it used to work before 4.0.1.
Thanks in advance.