• Resolved Aron Prins


    Hey iMath!

    Long time no speak ?? Love the BP Drive plugin so far on a single install, but i want to use it for an ms install i have.

    i run wp 3.5.1 ( Multisite mode ) and BP 1.7.
    BuddyPress runs on a subdomain blog within the network, set via the blog id in wp config.

    i got this error while trying to network activate:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_core_get_directory_page_ids() in /nfs/home/accountid/domains/mysite.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddydrive/includes/buddydrive-functions.php on line 234

    Hope you can hook me up ??


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  • Plugin Contributor Mathieu Viet


    Hi, i see, i was surprised as i’ve tested it on a regular Multisite config and hadn’t encounter such an issue. I’ll need to reproduce as soon as i find some time.

    Thread Starter Aron Prins


    Could it be the problem that buddypress itself is not multisite enabled but on a specific subdomain blog only?

    BuddyPress in my install is only used on support.mydomain.com
    and not enabled networkwide?

    Thanks in advance man!

    Plugin Contributor Mathieu Viet


    Aron, can you try to delete line 10 of /buddydrive/buddydrive.php : https://plugins.trac.www.ads-software.com/browser/buddydrive/trunk/buddydrive.php#L10

    This way the tag network:true, won’t be there, and try to activate it on the blog to see if it changes anything. I’m sorry, i’m really on a lot of things right now ??

    Thread Starter Aron Prins


    Hey iMath,

    Done, no success. I activated the default theme and this error popped up:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENDIF in /nfs/home/deb34766n7/domains/meebud.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddydrive/templates/buddydrive-explorer.php on line 35

    How much would i cost me to have this fixed :)?

    Plugin Contributor Mathieu Viet


    This is really weird ?!??

    I was so surprised by your last post that i’ve decided to check by myself. I didn’t manage to reproduce your parse error, but i managed to make BuddyDrive works on a multisite config with BuddyPress activated on a blog different than blog_id #1

    To be precise, it’s blog_id #2 ??

    So i’ve created a new install of WordPress multisite, went to wp_config.php and added :

    define( 'BP_ROOT_BLOG', 2);

    I also set WP_DEBUG to true

    Then, i went in blog #2 Dashboard and activated BuddyPress 1.7. I checked on the front with the default theme activated (TwentyTwelve) and BuddyPress is up and running.

    Then i simply deleted line 10 of BuddyDrive’s main file (/wp-content/plugins/buddydrive/buddydrive.php) which means the network tag is not there anymore.

    Then i went in blog #2 Dashboard and activated BuddyDrive, my beautiful welcome screen displayed as it should, i love the welcome screen of plugins ??
    Then, i went on front on the user’s nav ‘BuddyDrive’, and added a file. Everything went just fine !!! No errors, the file uploaded in /uploads/site/2/buddydrive. Then, i’ve checked my WP embed functionnality, and again it worked. Finally i tried to download the file, and again success.

    So i’m sorry, everything seems to work fine on your particular config. I suggest you test it by yourself doing again the different steps on a WordPress 3.5.1, BP 1.7 fresh installs using for example MAMP or WAMP or XAMPP, and you’ll see it’s working ??

    I’m sorry, i have no time to check for all cases of WordPress configs (for instance, i dont know if a 2.7 WPMU upgraded till 3.5.1 is working)

    By the way having the error your mentionned is very weird because if you check the explorer template at line 9 we have an if statement.

    I hope you didn’t misunderstood my last post and deleted line 9 of the explorer template

    The line to remove is in plugin’s main file header > the network tag is to be deleted, i use this tag to force the plugin to be activated in network admin.

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