• Resolved maflynn


    I’m in the process of comparing both Movable Type and WordPress. I am curious to hear what you guys/gals have to say in defense of WP. I’m having a hard time finalizing my decision. There are things I like MT and there are things I like in WP. Gaining some insights from others will help educate me on the benefits so I can make an informed decision.

    I’ve got both installed on my web host, and to be honest the install process was pretty easy for both. The install docs for MT4 made it sound daunting but in actuality it was quite easy. While the WP install was much simpler and easier. 8 minutes (for MT) vs. 5 minutes (for WP)

    Anyways I’m leaning towards MT4, because how it seems to be designed. I’m able to design and modify the layout in a more logical manner. The dashboard seems more logical and thought then WPs That said, WP seems to offer more templates, widgets or plugins

    Any thoughts, advice, insights on MT vs. WP.

    right now the sites looks a little plain and cookie cutter like and I want to personalize it a little more. Since I just installed them a couple of days ago, I’m still dealing with the learning curve.

    For comparison check out my MT blog and my WP blog. I’ve not done too much configuration with the WP blog, other then installing a new template, the sidebar is the default, conversely the MT’s sidebar is a lot further but the template is one of the included defaults

    For comparison, I cut/pasted my MT blog into the WP. The formatting is seemingly in conflict with the template. I’ll have to figure that out later but its there so that a comparison can be made.


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  • “I’m in the process of comparing both Movable Type and WordPress.”

    Awesome. Let us know when you’re done so we can read your comprehensive breakdown and comparison.

    “I am curious to hear what you guys/gals have to say in defense of WP.”

    This is what I like to call ‘flamebait’ WordPress doesn’t need defending and neither does Movable Type. There is a comprehensive list of features available at either website, and beyond that, they’re both easy enough to install and try out.

    Don’t feed the trolls and incite the zealots to riot. Obviously we’re all wordpress users here, so we’ve made our own choice. Nothing we can say will actually convince you anyway, so why not just go convince yourself?

    Questions like “what’s better IE or Firefox or Safari or Opera” and “is strawberry or chocolate the superior flavour” are all religious questions not tolerated by most forums. I’m not a member of the administration here, but I’d like to think I’m performing a community service by telling you that there’s no such thing as ‘better’

    … only ‘better for YOU’.

    Thread Starter maflynn


    I’m not trying to flame anybody.

    I’m trying to make an informed decision, I am not a troll or a zealot. Sheesh.

    I am very interested in the pros and cons of either product. If you took time to read my post and look at the two sites, you’d see that I am not a troll

    I am posting here just for the very reason you mention. You people are WP users who better to say what features WP has over MT.

    you’re also not very good at reading comprehension. I didn’t say you were flaming, nor did I say you were a zealot. sheesh yourself.

    “If you took time to read my post”

    Funny… you didn’t take the time to read mine. What lofty expectations you have of others, when you won’t do it yourself.

    Please read my post again, and try not to cry so hard when someone suggests you might be going about this the wrong way.

    I’ll say it again… there is no better, just better for YOU… nobody can make the choice for you. Go forth, investigate.

    Thread Starter maflynn


    Well hopefully someone else with constructive insights will post here. Instead of telling my post “flamebait” and doesn’t need defending.

    I’m not looking for defense, I’m looking for advice on the advantages of WP.

    looks like you didn’t even read your own post.

    If you spent as much time reading about wordpress or movable type as you have arguing with me about it, you might have made your decision by now.

    Your thread will get the attention it deserves. Maybe one day you’ll see I really was trying to help you.

    If you spent as much time reading about wordpress or movable type as you have arguing with me about it, you might have made your decision by now.

    Bingo. Of COURSE if you come to the WP forums you are not likely to find gushing enthusiasm for MT or any other CMS. Ditto for MT. The best thing you can do is use your own noggin to do exactly wht Ivovic suggested. Decide what is best based on what YOU need (or if you are a professional web developer, what your client needs).

    I would be willing to bet that if you posed this same question in the MT forum, in the TextPattern forum or in the forum of most any other halfway popular CMS out there, you’d get a similar response to the above.

    But it looks like someone has already done your homework for you.

    Thread Starter maflynn


    Thanks for the link it provided a lot of the information I was looking for ??

    anyways there were a number of comments posted about WP’s security problems and I also see here in this forum a nicely sized thread about their blogs being hacked. Does WP have security issues?

    I’m still on the fence, I like a number of features that MT offers and I also like what WP brings to the party.

    Edit: The perceived security problem concerns me a bit, hour prevalent is it?

    There is no script that is 100% secure. Ever.
    The updates/upgrades are exactly for that in this never ending race: to fix any vulnerabilities that might be discovered.

    As for the main question: most of us have never installed MT because simply we are not interested in it at all. As Ivovic said, we are all WP users here and we don’t really care about other scripts, so there is no way that we could give you an “objective” comparison. Therefore don’t push this question…

    Thread Starter maflynn


    Sorry, I didn’t mean to hit a sore point and I didn’t know asking about security was sensitive, especially given there’s a long thread about it WP sites being hacked.

    I was leaning towards MT but I really did want to give WP a fair shake. Regardless of how little information I am getting here. (only one post that was helpful)

    I still am comparing the two as objectively as I can. Both have a learning curve which I’m trying to over come so I can make an informed decision. That’s why I was asking here but it seems that’s not allowed. I wasn’t asking about an object review but rather what you liked WP over MT.

    That it seems was asking too much so in order not to “push this question”

    Sorry to be bothering you.

    Well, I can’t speak for Moshu, but my reasoning is that everyone’s need and skillset is different. Some people cannot be objective, especially if they are passionate about something. So at the end of the day, your decision is going to have to be based on what’s best for YOU.

    I’ve used both, MT from 2.62 all the way to 3.2; pretty much stopped using it when WP hit in Spring 2004 and have stuck with WP ever since. If you want to discuss it objectively, I can give you my opinions off list (check my profile) about each, having used MT and WP for three years and four years, respectively. I still do MT installs for some of my clients if that’s what they want or if I determine it’s a better fit for them than WP.

    Sorry, I didn’t mean to hit a sore point and I didn’t know asking about security was sensitive, especially given there’s a long thread about it WP sites being hacked.

    Where did you get that idea? I just read this thread, and dont see anyone ssshh’ing you up.

    Youre not asking the right people for opinions, thats what youre hearing. We use WP — we’re going to tell you it’s better. Go ask on Movable Type’s forum, they’ll answer the opposite.

    I didn’t know asking about security was sensitive

    Who said it was?

    In my second paragraph (referring to your “main” question = WP vs. MT) I told you not to push that question because we are NOT objective: we love WP, and most of us don’t have experience with other blogging tools… Why is this so difficult to comprehend?

    Thread Starter maflynn


    I think I got off on the wrong foot here, with a badly constucted post. Lets just close this thread now, and I’ll post some specific questions when I get to them.

    I’m trying to reformat my WP blog and use WP’s features and formats.


    Seems like there is a lot of sensitivity on comments. I know what maflynn was asking. I am sure you will tell me that you do too. I don’t think he was asking for anything objective, just what opinion from your own experience what features you liked in either of the WP or MT. In other words, I think he was trying to not have to go thru the trial and error of making the same mistakes with either of the above.

    I think I understand because I am totally new at this. I have all kinds of websites and blogs [blogger] but wanted something more customizable for a front end for my online business. So I am trying to figure out as well what that might be.

    Of course you love WP or you wouldn’t be here. But jonimueller was giving the answer that maflynn desired. Just an opinion perhaps as to why you picked WP rather than MT.

    ok ok I will stop. [By the way if anyone can help me figure out why I cannot edit pages or posts I created in WP, I would be extremely grateful. I used WP before on other hosting sites and did not have a problem but I am with my present site.

    I know some great blogs that use MT so I was curious and tried an installation but returned to WP since WP is written in php which I understand quite a bit whereas MT is Perl which I don’t know much of.

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