• Resolved inesm


    In the second MU site I’ve built, I’m experiencing a strange issue.

    I thank if someone could help me understand.

    The site I made about a year ago is hosted by Godaddy. At the moment it runs WP 4.1 and it has two sites besides the main one.

    Till some days ago, everything was well working. Two weeks ago, I visited by chance the home page: the site disappeared, I found only a white page with a big panel telling “Error in establishing DataBase connection”. Wondering what could have happened, I replaced the file index.php (the WP index file in the domain root) with a simple forwarder in php. This change made the site again visible, and well working, but the images in the home page of the sites 2 and 3 weren’t visible. Also the link colors weren’t correct, such as the .css weren’t working.

    Moreover, it’s funny that the logo is visible. The images in the internal pages are ok, since in the pages I wrote manually images urls (instead of calling them from media).

    Some days later I experienced the same problem (bad DataBase connection) in an other site, not MU. I simply replaced the index.php file in the root with a forwarder and everything was ok.

    The technical help of Godaddy wasn’t able to solve the problem: they decided to restore the situation of a month ago, but anything changed.

    I’m not a technician, but I’m persuaded that something changed in Godaddy server configuration, something that I cannot manage.

    Could someone suggest me what I could do trying to undersand what happened, and help me solve that “strange issue”?

    You can see the site at https://ilcavallobianco.com.

    Thanks for your help

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  • Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Please hit enter twice between paragraphs. It makes things more readable.

    I replaced the file index.php (the WP index file in the domain root) with a simple forwarder in php.

    Forwarder? What forwarder? Why a forwarder?

    Thread Starter inesm


    Thank for your advice about paragraphs (the excerpt scrubbed double space, so I forced it non to).

    The forwarder is for addressing to the site subdir, since WP isn’t in the root directory of the domain.

    My naive question is about why a site that was ok for a year, all of a sudden doesn’t work well, although I made no change.
    Is this possible?

    I’d like to understand if I can do something to resolve the situation, modifying for instance the .htaccess (no idea how to), or if the problem is about server configuration, out of my control.
    Thank for your precious and skilled help…

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    The forwarder is for addressing to the site subdir, since WP isn’t in the root directory of the domain.

    Do you meant this? https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Giving_WordPress_Its_Own_Directory

    The reason it matters is that when you do things very non-standard, we have to be able to understand what it is so we can help you fix when the weird thing you did goes wrong.

    Thread Starter inesm


    Thank for your patience.

    Yes, my WP is in a subdir (I’m used to do it). I went invain to work on the issue, but I’m not able to solve it.

    At the moment the situation is the following: such is told in Giving WP its own directory, I copied the file index.php and .htacces in the root dir, but the problem is still there. My .htaccess is such as you suggested in some topics in this help forum.

    It’s as follows:

    # BEGIN WordPress
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /www/
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
    # uploaded files
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?files/(.+) wp-content/ms-files.php?file=$2 [L]
    # add a trailing slash to /wp-admin
    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?wp-admin$ $1wp-admin/ [R=301,L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
    RewriteRule ^ - [L]
    RewriteRule  ^[_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/(wp-(content|admin|includes).*) $1 [L]
    RewriteRule  ^[_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/(.*\.php)$ $1 [L]
    RewriteRule . index.php [L]
    # END WordPress

    I suppose that it’s an htaccess problem, because in the main site images are well called from ilcavallobianco.com/www/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/imagename.jpg, while in the sites 2 and 3 I see the breaking images are called from ilcavallobianco.com/www/en/files/2014/06/imagename.jpg instead of https://ilcavallobianco.com/www/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/06/imagename.jpg

    I hope this could help you to help me. Thanks in advance.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Please hit enter twice between paragraphs. It makes things more readable. Seriously. I edited your post so it’s not all mashed up ??

    I didn’t ask if WP was in a subdirectory, I asked if you used the ‘giving WordPress it’s own directory’ change – https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Giving_WordPress_Its_Own_Directory

    That means is WP installed in a subfolder, but ACCESSED as if it was in the main folder?


    Why is WWW in there at all?

    Thread Starter inesm


    www is the name of the subdir. I installed WP from the start in that dir (I renamed the dir wordpress in wwww), and also wrote it in the htaccess (RewriteBase /www/).
    I made only 3 sites with MU, but about fifty sites with WP, each one in a subdir and I never had this kind of problem.

    What about the htaccess? I cannot explain why that site worked perfectly for several months, and now doesn’t. I have no idea about solutions, I’m nearly desperate…

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    installed WP from the start in that dir (I renamed the dir wordpress in wwww), and also wrote it in the htaccess (RewriteBase /www/).
    I made only 3 sites with MU, but about fifty sites with WP, each one in a subdir and I never had this kind of problem.

    So YES you were using ‘Giving WordPress it’s own directory’ ?? Now you know.

    https://ilcavallobianco.com/ is now giving a “Errore nello stabilire una connessione al database”

    https://ilcavallobianco.com/wp-admin works BUT it just shakes it’s head when I try to submit a fake ID/pwd

    Rename the plugins folder to plugins-off

    I think you have a conflict causing weird errors.

    Thread Starter inesm


    Thanks fot your advice, I tried to rename the plugin directory, so it doesn’t work, but there was no difference in the results.

    Moreover, in these last two days, all the three sites I built with WP MU have problems: only the main site is visible, and the secondary ones are horrible, because the css and everything else isn’t working (only rough text is visible in https://ilcavallobianco.com/www/en/…).
    I checked both index and htaccess.

    And that’s not all! At the moment, I mean today, in each site I had to use a simple php forwarder, because using the right WP index made also the main site not visible, with “Error in establishing DB connection”.
    On the countrary, yesterday I was forced to use the WP index, for the same reason.

    It looks like there were a ghost…
    Do you think that reinstall everything could resolve?
    I cannot understand why everything worked well for 12 month and all of a sudden ruined, without I made changes. What could be the matter? Any idea? Thanks for your help.

    Thread Starter inesm


    Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find a solution, so I “dismembered” the WP MU and installed a WP for each language in each site.

    I had to handle the data base too and fix it, but I made the grade.

    In the future, I’ll never count on WP MU: I think it’s better to work a little more in the beginning than to have a site down for weeks, looking around for solving an issue…

    However, thank for volunteers help.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Multisite is the deep-end of WordPress. If you’re not already experienced in debugging and know how to build out test sites and localhosts you really don’t want to be playing here ?? It’s hard. We know. It’s also really dangerous if you use plugins without vetting them first.

    Moreover, in these last two days, all the three sites I built with WP MU have problems: only the main site is visible, and the secondary ones are horrible, because the css and everything else isn’t working (only rough text is visible in https://ilcavallobianco.com/www/en/…).
    I checked both index and htaccess.

    THAT means your .htaccess isn’t being read properly, which is a server level error.

    You’d want to look at your php error logs to see what that reports (see? I said it’s hard stuff).

    Thread Starter inesm


    That’s precisely what I thought from the beginning! I mean: could a site work well for two years and all of a sudden break down, without I made no modification? I think something changed in server configuration that made sicken the three WP Multisite I had built.

    After a month from when the sites started to have problems, finally yesterday (in these days I’m very busy in other kind of editing and publishing stuffs) I found some hours to fix the issue, but I was forced to achieve a result, no time for rubs…

    Now I’m in a crossroads: just few days before the above difficulties, I built a site (https://locandailcampodellaquercia.com) with WP multiuser. In the next days I’ll set up two more languages for that site.

    I’m tempted to embark once again on WP MU, but I’ve no time for risk.
    In the past, I had a look at php error logs, but in that occasion the issue was very soon resolved elsewhere, without I had time to realize anything about it.

    I’m self-thaught in WP (I’m a graphic, not a technician) and it would be a sort of challenge trying once again to “tame” WordPress multiuser, if only I had time to spend to…

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Hah, I know that feeling ?? I keep trying to get better at some of this stuff and I don’t have the time.

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