• Hi:
    I’ve tried to install simplesaml-authentication with 3.5.1 on a MU site. I see all config is saved to first blog but any other blog doesn’t get its config.
    My aim was to have the entire nework simplesaml’ed so replaced all ocurrences of get_option for get_site_option and update_option for update_site_option on the plugin source.
    So far the plugin is working for me and I was wondering if this is a solution for anyone.



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  • Try this.

    Someone posted that as a branch off of this plugin. I’m having a little trouble with it for logging in users who had accounts before installing the plugin but I suspect that isn’t caused by the fact that it’s doing it for the network rather than individual sites.

    Thread Starter Jayllon


    Hi lady_minx, I’ve openned a ticket on trac


    does more or less the same as the link you post, but I see a couple of differences. i.e. plugin version and logout settings should be on site wide database.

    I’ve tested further and feel it could be applied to official plugin. How can Icontact the mantainner?

    I’m not sure, but I’d love a copy if you have it. I’m having issues with the one on github, but I think it’s related to the authentication function in the main plugin and not just that off shoot.

    I did your patch, but I’m not finding where the configuration option setting is now, on the network backend.

    Oh, I see, it’s still on each blog. I think that’s an issue… it should only be on the Network Admin settings page, or you’ll have individual site admins messing around with it.

    This will put it on the admin page.


    //add_action('admin_menu', 'simplesaml_authentication_add_options_page');
    if (is_multisite()){
    add_action('network_admin_menu', 'simplesaml_authentication_add_menu_page');
    else {
    add_action('admin_menu', 'simplesaml_authentication_add_options_page');

    And add a function under Admin Option Page Functions:

    function simplesaml_authentication_add_menu_page() {
            if (function_exists('add_menu_page')) {
                    add_menu_page('simpleSAMLphp Authentication', 'simpleSAMLphp Authentication', 'manage_options',
                            basename(__FILE__), 'simplesaml_authentication_options_page');

    I’m still having error logging in.. but I think it’s something with what the ping server is sending back in the user name. It looks okay but…

    Other users can login, even after I’ve deleted their account and it gets recreated, but I can’t ??

    Okay, fixed the login issue for me. The simplesaml server was sending the username back with upper and lower case letters. The authentication/compare seems to have issues with that.
    I changed
    if (strtolower($username) != substr(sanitize_user(strtolower($username), TRUE), 0, 60)) {
    and was able to login.

    Another problem – if I click on a site in my My Sites admin menu drop down, it goes to the wordpress login form rather than staying logged in / using the SSO and sending me to the dashboard.

    Thread Starter Jayllon


    I am not experiencing that issue, In theory your session should be still valid until you logout. If you are being sent to the login screen might be you don’t have permissions on that specific site.
    I am not using roles based on SSO attributes, are you?

    I think the problem is that it’s switching between https and http

    I think adding define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true); to the config file(which I’d forgotten to do, AND define('FORCE_SSL_LOGIN', true); fixed it.

    Now… I just need to figure out how to do a direct link to wp-login.php that does NOT use the simpleSAML plugin authentication filter for my non-network users.

    Does anyone know if there are plans to add WordPress multisite functionality to simpleSAMLphp Authentication?

    Thread Starter Jayllon


    Hi Lane:
    In a couple of days I will apply lady_minx’s changes to my patch and I think it will be ready. Unfortunately I can’t contact the maintainer so it could be included in the official version. Anyone can help with that?

    Hey guys, wondering where this thread eventually went to. I’m in the process of integrating 3.8.3 multisite with a ping server. Is this patch in github? Does it also use saml for roles?

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