Much Needed: Clean Uninstall Button
We love your plugin but we can’t quite understand why Yoast — with millions of installs and a healthy budget — refuses to add a “Clean Uninstall” option (via button or toggle switch) to its plugin.
Considering how much data remains in your customers’ databases after deleting your plugin through the normal process, it makes perfect sense to provide this enhancement (as WordPress recommends and in line with good Corporate Citizenship practices).
Many customers have requested this enhancement for many reasons. Asking customers to remove Yoast’s remnants using this procedure is a burden they don’t need and — quite frankly — a laissez-faire approach.
Here’s an example of three plugins that follow the above practice (excellent plugins too!):
Perfmatters (screenshot)
MailPoet (screenshot)
WP Mail SMTP (screenshot)As an option, Yoast could also create a wp-config.php code to delete all data such as:
define( 'YST_REMOVE_ALL_DATA', true);
In support of the above, we have created GitHub Issue No. 16956.
OK Yoast, here’s your chance to shine. We look forward to your good news.
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