• Resolved jwhberlin


    I use MultilinualPress for a website and everything is working fine. I have just two questions:

    1) Using the Plugin “Events Calendar”, I can manage the events for both websites. So I can initiate a new event on one website and copy it to the second one in the other language. But I can’t copy the date, the location and the adress of the event. So I have to enter these information on both websites. Is there a chance to solve that duplicate work for every event?

    2) Both websites are using subdomains, e.g. language1.website.eu and language2.website.eu – as far I can test it, I can enter website.eu in browser and I am redirected to the main language; but it seems not to work, that the browser language is used für redirection. RewriteRule ^wp-admin$ wp-admin/ [R=301,L] ist eingebaut.

    Vielen Dank für das Auf-die-Sprünge-helfen,

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  • Plugin Support dinamiko


    Hi jwhberlin,

    1. Right now this is not possible, here are some reasons:

    • we cannot know which of all custom fields should be translatable, and which not;
    • we cannot know about the nature of each field (what’s the allowed data type, are there any conditions to be respected, …);
    • we cannot know about the UI (and cannot rebuild it anyway).

    We really hope to be able to do something to this when the Fields API will get merged into Core – and plugins make use of it. To be honest, though, this might take quite a while to get there.

    What you can do if you are a developer, however, is make use of plugin actions and insert some UI for the custom fields you are interested in yourself – and also take care of processing these. Just have a look at the individual actions fired in the meta box and in the processing unit, respectively.

    2. Not sure if I’m following you, can you explain the issue a bit more? thanks.


    Following up on this…

    1) I have to say that it is possible to copy (just copy, not actually individually translate) custom fields or metadata. You just have to provide a map of key—value pairs and add it to this filter.
    Add an entry for every meta value that you want the translation posts to have, with the key being the according meta key. You can get the original post ID via the second argument that gets passed to the filter (i.e., $save_context['real_post_id']), and thus fetch the original meta values.

    2) I can second that this is not enough information. That being said, did you activate the redirect feature (in the network admin) and then the redirection for every single website (when editing a website, still in the network admin, in the MultilingualPress tab)? In case you are interested how exactly the language negotiation works, you might want to have a look at this post.

    I hope that helps.

    Have a nice day, and weekend.

    Thread Starter jwhberlin


    Hi Emili, Hi Thorsten,

    thanks a lot for your information. Unfortunately I am not a developer, but I think, I understand a little bit. So I will try Thorstens suggestion. Thanks!

    Concerning the redirection I will have a closer look on the article. The organization I build the site for wants to change the URL-Decision, so I have to change many things. In the result, we will have to different domains domainlanguageA.com und domainlanguageB.de for example. If I changed all this, I will try it again.

    Thank you very much for this great support and this great plugin.

    Best regards

    Thread Starter jwhberlin


    In addition to my post yesterday, I will describe my second questions a little bit more exactly:

    – I have a multisite installation on two domains, language1.com and language2.com
    – If I enter language1.com, the first language is displayed – independently of the browsers language
    – If I enter language2.com, the second language is displayed – independently of the browsers language

    What is to do, to redirect automaticly to language2 of the users browsers is using the second language, instead of he is entering the “wrong” domain?

    Best regards

    Hi again,

    sorry for the question (you won’t believe the exotic setups people might have ?? ), but do you have one WordPress multisite installation with two sites, having the above two domains? You should have.

    If so, then you have to assign languages to both sites, relate the sites to each other, activate HTTP redirection in the network admin settings page, and activate HTTP redirection for both sites individually. Please have a look at this presentation to get a better understanding of what to do/ensure. Navigate with SPACE and SHIFT+SPACE.


    Thread Starter jwhberlin


    Hi Thorsten,

    thank you very much for these slides – great. I found nearly everything I needed to know. So there is only one question left: Is there any chance to translate the “biographic data” of the users? If I copy the users from site to the other, there is the same biographic-text.

    Concerning “The Events Calendar”: My people told me, that we never will have events in both languages, one event is only for one countr (generally). So I don’t need to translate every field.

    Thanks a lot for your great work, I will buy the support the next days.

    Best regards

    Hi again,

    thanks for the feedback, really appreciated.

    Regarding the user biography, this is unfortunately not possible, yet. There actually is an issue for this, since quite a long time, but it never got a high enough priority so far.

    I will mark this as resolved now.


    Thread Starter jwhberlin


    Hi Thorsten,

    one question: I realized, that on one site of my multisite-instance there is no category-element for the “events calender”. So I can enter categories on the german site, but not on my polish website. Everything is configurated on one database, same config. Do you have an idea, why I miss the categories for the events (tags are available…)?

    Best regards

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