• Hello, Can I have more than one blog with the same webpage address? I heard you have to have a separate email address with each new blog. I want do have a site that has a blog, a online store, and some stagnant pages for poems and such. I also want tags attached to each so they can find me on search. Should I do this with one blog and stagnant pages or more than one blog and links? I have no previous webpage making knowledge besides what I have been trying to teach myself over past month with books and video tutorials. Thanks jeanie (gypsychant.com)
    almost forgot–Can my stagnant pages have a separate theme from each other?

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  • Please try WPMU ( Word Press Multi User ), just like WordPress.com

    Thread Starter gypsychant


    I am also having trouble getting my media to work. I upload photos only to see an X in a blank box. Before I upgraded to 2.7.1 I did not have this problem. I was previously on 2.7. I tried the alternat browser and it also showed just a X

    Thread Starter gypsychant


    I read on a forum that if you are having a problem just go to your dashboard and enter problem there. Is this correct. Should I be taking these questions somewhere else?



    My recommendation is not to jump to WPMU if it’s not necessary. You can always have multiple installation of WP on the same domain. WPMU requires a community spirit, constant care and maintenance from the webmaster, so you have to do some evaluation and careful thinking before installing WPMU.

    For the stagnant pages to have different themes, you can actually create a theme file for them. Try looking at page.php (that’s the default template for a page) and you can copy the code and modify it from there, save it as another name such as about.php. Don’t forget to replace the first few lines of the page template with:

    Template Name: About Page

    (or any other name you wish to call the template) Changing the template name allows you to identify the template you’re using. It is accessible on the right sidebar when you’re on the ‘Create a Page’.



    My recommendation is not to jump to WPMU if it’s not necessary.

    I agree that one shouldn’t jump into WPMU unless you really need/want it…for a lot or reasons that I don’t have the time or inclination to type out here.

    If you want multiple blogs you can easily install them…even in a single database. See this:


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