• Resolved MRmedia



    today I’ve some questions about the multi-dir Option Directorist offers.

    I start using the multi-dir mode to realize different Listing-Forms on one Website (not really multiple directories, but different categories with the need of individual listing forms and information output). So far so great! Good handling!

    Now in the frontend I’ve some questions:

    • The directorist home screen just shows listings which are of type “general (default)”, but not the custom ones.
      Is there an inbuilt option, to query and displaying all listings from all directory types at once?
    • No matter which directory type I’ve selected in front end (in my example “General” or “Tierarzt & Tierklinik” etc., the links in the Directorist – Category widget seems to ignore the chosen / active directory type, it looks like it just looks for listings with the choosen category selected in the default directory type. It makes not a difference if I assign both directorys to a category.
      Is this a bug or an option which is not set correctly?
    • The search fields needs to know in which directory type the user like to search for the keyword.
      Is there an option to search in all directory types at once?
    • To shorten up: Can it be realized to use the different listing form templates which multi-dir option offers, but handle the front end output and search not separatly?

    If only this would work in a way that was easy for the user to understand, I’m finally ready with my new project realized with this great plugin!

    (Ok, just the sorting option for the distance of a listing, but thats a job which I think I get handled by myself)

    Thanks a lot in advance!


    • This topic was modified 3 years ago by MRmedia.
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  • Mahdi


    Hi @dermarci,

    1. Is the page built using Elementor? Kindly make sure that the widgets have the other directory types by editing the page.
    2. Could you please clarify this a bit? Maybe share a screenshot so that I understand what you’re referring to.
    3. There should be a Directory Type Navigation on top of the Search Field. Again, kindly make sure that the other directory types are added. Searching on all Directory Types at once isn’t possible by default but can be done by modifying the meta_query on Search.
    4. If you mean All Listing and Search Result, then yes, as I mentioned previously, should be possible by modifying the meta_query.


    Thread Starter MRmedia


    Hi @m4hd1bd

    1. Elementor is installed, but this page is’nt created with elementor. It’s a classic wp block page just with shortcode [directorist_all_listing], maybe I should modify the query here, too?

    2. If u visit https://www.hunde-treffpunkt.de/branchen/ on the right you have the default sidebar widget directorist offers. Now click on “Tierarzt” and you will get 0 searchresults from single-category page. Listings in category “Tierarzt” are signed to a non-default directory-type. You first have to switch the directory type on top of the page to “Tierarzt & Tierklinik” to get results.

    3-4. Okay, will try to modify the query and will come back to you

    Kind Regards

    Thread Starter MRmedia


    Hi @m4hd1bd

    the following resolves all my issues:

    add_filter('atbdp_all_listings_query_arguments', 'MR_atbdp_listing_search_query_argument', 20);
    add_filter('atbdp_listing_search_query_argument', 'MR_atbdp_listing_search_query_argument', 20);
    function MR_atbdp_listing_search_query_argument ($args) {
    	return $args;

    Worked! (Just a note, for the search query args your documentations says it’s filter ‘atbdp_search_query_args’, but this filter does’nt exist in the plugin anymore. Furthermore I’m unable to find the filter atbdp_all_listings_query_arguments in your documentation… But I’m sure you’re working on it) ??

    For me, this solves my problems with the structure of the multi-dir option. But the Categories-Widgets may needs an update to work out of the box by appending directory_type to the url. But not sure, because a category can assigned to multiple directory_types … Hm.

    Thank you for your usefull hints!

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by MRmedia.


    Hi @dermarci,

    Yes, our documentation is quite outdated right now and we’re already working on updating it.
    Glad that you were able to figure this out, let me know if you need help with anything else.


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