Multi-USer blog site?
I currently have a wordpress website that I am developing (or at least trying too) into a multi author blog site. After a bit of research i decided to come here and ask. I was wondering if anyone here can help point me in the right direction when it comes to a list of plugins and themes that are good for this purpose?
I need the site to do the following:
1 – frontend login/registration for new and current authors.
2 – limited backend access to create posts/articles.
3 – A good ads plugin that allows me to add ads into the posts/articles and allows ad sharing with the authors.
4 – A plugin that will allow me to charge per post or to allow the author to purchase a block of posts.
5 – a way to secure the site.I am currently running wordpress 3.5.2 and my current theme is canvas 5.
Any and all help is very much appreciated.
Thank you
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