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  • tbennett04, I’m going through the same process. I’ve installed Random Text and have set it up to display a block of text on the front page. Unfortunately, I can’t find an easy way to set the strings to be seen by WPML. Did you figure out a way to do this?


    I haven’t worked with the Randomtext plugin, so I just installed it on a test site.

    I had a look at the code and the plugin has not been internationalised whatsoever.

    It generates its own category (Installer), instead of grabbing one of your existing categories. There doesn’t seem to be a way to translate this default category and even when adding a new category, it also is not possible to translate.

    The cause of this is most likely due to the fact that the plugin creates its own table in the database (prefix_randomtext) and this table communicates only with the plugin and nothing else.

    I would say that unless this plugin is completely recoded it is fully incompatible with WPML.

    beware: if you decide to remove the plugin from your WordPress install, you will also need to check your database as the plugin leaves the table it generated.
    In your database look for [wp_prefix]_randomtext and drop the table altogether as it serves no purpose after deletion from your plugins.
    Bad coding standards that is…

    Piet, thank you so much for the information. It’s a shame this isn’t set up to work with WPML, that would be a wonderfully powerful combination.

    Also, thanks for the heads up in regard to the randomtext table. I will be sure to remove it.

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