• I have been using this plug-in in English for a while, with great results. HTML5 never worked, and while it was a bit difficult first it to get the Google and Amazon TTS services set up, they worked quite well too. I was able to customise the buttons using a bit of CSS as well, which was nice.

    Unfortunately it seems like it is not possible to use this plug-in with multiple languages. When I use the “lang=XYZ-xyz” parameter, it still pronounces things in the default language.

    I have tried this with both the Google and Amazon engines (since the developer mentioned multilingual support was lacking for the Google engine). No luck.

    I also tried substituting “xyz-XYZ” with various combinations, for example, not just “fr-FR” for French, but some of the specific voices like “fr-FR-Neural2-A” (one of the Google engine names), and “French – Rémi” (one of the Amazon Polly engine names). No luck again.

    This plug-in has great potential, but it seems like the developer has stopped maintaining it, which is a shame, because it seems to have great functionality, but is just deprecated.

    To the developer, it would be great if you could just update it, and I for one would be willing to pay a small fee to use a product that is up-to-date and works with my installation. Else, is anyone willing to take this up and develop the code (I believe it is open source)?

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