• Hello,

    I just recently bought the Deluxe Godaddy package that allows me to have unlimited sites on one domain.

    So I installed wordpress in the domain for example https://host.com/wp1
    and plain on installing another wordpress site in host.com/wp2 and so on..

    So now when I go to host.com/wp1 it goes to my WP site but how do I make it where host.com/wp1 will go straight to the domain instead of the wp1 folder?

    I read https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Installing_Multiple_Blogs but it does not have any information about that.

    Thanks for any help

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  • drop the /wp1 bit and just enter https://hostdomain.com into the address bar. that’ll take you to the root folder of your hosting but if you’ve got nothing in there you won’t see anything…

    from the url link you’ve posted it looks like you’ve installed wp in a subdirectory.

    Thread Starter wwallace1


    Thanks theotherlebowski ??

    But does that mean I have to install wordpress in the root directory first?

    The reason I bought the deluxe hosting plan is because I want to have multiple domains on 1 server.

    On host.com

    https://www.domain.com -> host.com/wp1
    https://www.domain2.com -> host.com/wp2
    https://www.domain3.com -> host.com/wp3

    and so on..

    will you be administering all of them or will they belong to other people? if it’s just you administering a whole bunch of blogs then you’d probably be better off looking at the multisite feature of wp 3.1.2

    you’d have one install on https://domain.com and from there you can set up as many sub sites as you want and administer them all from the one dashboard. it takes a little perseverance to get your head around how it works and setting up the network side of things is a bit fiddly (there are plugins to do it but they’re a bit patchy, best to do it long hand if you know what i mean).

    if you want to set up a fresh install of wordpress on each sub directory you can with little effort but each one will need it’s own login details and when the wp core updates happen you or the site admins for each blog will have to upgrade each one and all the plugins individually.

    if you’re guna run multiple blogs yourself i’d recommend the multisite option ??


    I think you might be a little confused. FOr the multiple domain hosting (Deluxe and unlimited) you can do what you are trying to do. For the primary domain you will install the WordPress account to the root for it to show up when you only type the domain in. For the secondary or aliased domains during their set up you associate them with a folder, folderA for example. That folder will then act as a root directory for that alias domain, so each alias domain will in essence have it’s own root directory. So for the second WordPress to show up with just the domain you would install it to that domains associated root folder, folderA. Hope that soles your issue, Support is available 24/7 to go over this with you and assist with the installs. They can be reached here: https://x.co/gdsupport ^Colby

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    Wwallace1, perhaps what you want is to create a network and then use the domain mapping plugin to map domains to sub blogs?


    Thread Starter wwallace1


    Ahhh I understand now, Thank you very much guys for clearing this up. I will be administering all the blogs (we use the blogs as PR for iphone apps for our clients) so instead of buying separate hosting, which I had been doing, I just bought the deluxe hosting to just host all the blogs (with different domains) on 1 server.

    Thanks for the tips I’m going to try this out!

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