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  • You don’t configure anything.
    You MUST install WP as many times as many blogs you want.

    EDIT. If you need a zillion blogs – you may consider the MU (multiuser) version:

    Thread Starter torsblog


    Thanks for that Moshu. I do not want to have many installations of WP taking up space. I’ve heard that there was a way in which to utilize one install, creating multiple blogs in the process.

    As with MU, for my current level of technical expertise it’s a little too complicated for me. I’ve looked and am unable to get my head around it. I’ll see if there’s an answer on the MU forums.

    I wish you well.

    It is possible to have multiple sites serviced from a single wordpress installation and it is very easy to do.

    i find it very desirable – makes life a lot lot easier. You just have to be careful when upgrading since you are upgrading multiple sites in one go, but that is pretty easy to accomplish if you give it some thought, get a solid backup and test your deployment process.

    The simplest way is a switch in wp-config.php that sets the $table_prefix based on, in this case, the domain name. This is an example …

    switch ($_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’]) {
    case “”:
    case “”:
    case “”:
    $table_prefix = ereg_replace(‘^(www\.)’, ”, $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’]);
    $table_prefix = ereg_replace(‘\.’, ”, $table_prefix);
    $table_prefix = $table_prefix . ‘_’;
    $table_prefix = “default_’;

    change the domain and also change the prefix for the default.

    the use of the switch and the entering of the list of domains ensures that no domain other than your domains can be directed to and use your wordpress installation. Otherwise i dread to think what some maliciously minded person could do with your sites. ??

    hope this helps

    For interests sake, and because I searched here when trying to do this, its also possible to share one set of tables between multiple blogs. This might be useful if you want to gear a different ‘version’ of your blog toward different devices:
    I documented the steps I took, once I figured it out. Check it out here:

    I’ve subsequently split my installations apart. Reason being there are flies in the filesystem that wordpress writes to – namely .htaccess (there maybe others). As a result, you can get errors if you are on one blog and take action that writes the .htaccess file – it can break the other blogs.

    I am getting more Linux savvy so wrote a couple of scripts that help me out. I upload themes and plugins to one central master copy then run the cgi script from SSH and it deploys the themes and plugins to all the installations in one go. I also maintain a master wp-config.php for all my sites and have a simplar script that deploys it everywhere.

    An alternative would have been to remove write access from .htaccess but I figured that I didn’t really like all my production web sites in one location – i was having to do too much testing when i upgraded then all in one go.

    To original poster:

    WordPress is simply not designed to allow to run many blogs. Yeah, I know, this is quite a gaping design flaw and a very annoying one, but WordPress MU community is trying to solve it. Don’t believe everything you read on MU’s front page though; there are a lot of plugins that simply don’t work on MU because the innards are so different.

    If you want unlimited blogs from the same install, just get Movable Type and spend your time learning it.

    If you want unlimited blogs from the same install, just get Movable Type and spend your time learning it.

    or dont, and use b2evolution, WordPress’ cousin.

    Can b2evolution run WP plugins? I know they’re “cousin” projects, but how closely related are they?

    Tomskinsg, do you have a set of instructions somewhere? This sounds like a really useful thing!


    1. Is this is only for multiple blogs on the *same* domain? I’d like one centralized install and run many domain blogs from it as in

    2. When you run blogs this way, do plugins work? For example, where would WP-SuperCache save its files?


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