• I would like to be able to use custom fields as categories. For instance, I have a field called Country, another field called Business Type. I want both country and business type to be indexed, and to work like categories.
    Is there a plugin that will help me display custom fields as categories. I especially like dtree plugin but I would like to be able to use this with custom fields as well.
    Any ideas?


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  • My idea would be do it with the Categories and Tags, as it is built-in. WP already has a good Categories system. Plus it already has the Tags system, which is another layer of categorization. Are you sure you need another way that can’t be achieved with Tags and Categories?

    Ok, assuming you need this. I’m guessing the main reason is you want your authors to fill-in-the-blank (Business Type: _____ ) instead of choosing from pre-defined options?

    OK, now getting down to your actual question. “Is there a plugin that will help me display custom fields as categories”? Yes. What exactly do you mean by display? Where do you want to display it? I assume you mean in your theme, as opposed to in the backend > Write Post page.

    You can use the plugin Get Custom Field Values to display any of your custom field values anywhere in your theme / templates. You can alternatively do it with some regular template tags and hand-coding, without a plugin.

    hope this helps

    feel free to clarify if I missed what you’re trying to do

    Thread Starter scriby


    that does help, thanks. The only thing now that I need, but can’t figure out how to do, it to have a drop-down list (using a form or css) of a custom field, and say, if i select under the ‘business type’ field all posts that match ‘internet’ then it would bring me to a page listing those posts.

    Well, that’s 2 separate questions. Save the question of making it a dropdown list, for later. That’s CSS or whatever, styling.

    Your first task is to create a List of posts with Key=’business type’ and Value=’internet’.

    You can do that with code. There are many threads about this on this forum. Basically you’ll make a custom query, and sort the output. One of these might or might not have a good answer in code,
    Or find other threads like those.

    Or you can try to do it with a plugin.

    This plugin does it, suprisingly.
    It works great to alphabatize posts sorted by custom field. I use it for a very similar purpose. But not exactly. It may do what you need. You would probably like this if you are putting the Business Name as the Post Title. I think the result of this plugin for you would be like this,

    Internet –
    business a
    business b

    Manufacturing –
    business c
    business d

    There are probably other plugins that would help as well.

    Once you get it as a list, you can stick that into a Dropdown.

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