• Hi, Can anyone help me, I want 3 columns page list, i dont know what do i have to add extra in php file or css?
    Bellow is the code in “page.php”

    $children = wp_list_pages(‘title_li=&child_of=’.$post->ID.’&echo=0′);
    if ($children) { ?>

      <?php echo $children; ?>

    <?php } ?>

    i have tried to add float:left in “css file” it works, but not the way i was expected

    there is page list example with “float left:”
    A A1 A2
    B B2 C
    C1 D D1

    but i want this way:

    A B C1
    A1 B2 D
    A2 C D1

    there is my site https://www.listenradionow.com/europe/ and you will see what i mean

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