In javascript the logical operators that represent the “AND” and “OR”, are the double symbols: “&&” and “||” respectively. So, if you want to return a number, for example: 1234, if the values of fields: fieldname1, and fieldname2 are 2 and 3, respectively, and the number 4321 in other cases, a possible equation would be:
if(fieldname1>2 && fieldname3>3) return 1234;
else return 4321;
For simple equations like the previous one, you can use directly the ternary operator of javascript:
(fieldname1>2 && fieldname3>3) ? 1234 : 4321
or the “IF” and “AND” operations distributed with the plugin:
IF(AND(fieldname1>2, fieldname3>3), 1234, 4321)
Note that javascript is a case sensitive language, please, do not confuse the conditional statement “if” in javascript, with the “IF” operation distributed with the plugin.
More information in the following link:
Best regards.