• I am having all sorts of problems with the Digg Digg plugin and have finally turned it off on all my sites. I have at least 3 problems.

    1. With a number of sites, though not all, I am finding that the bar floats fine in Chrome, but in Firefox and IE it sits right in the middle of the page directly over the middle of the content.

    2. On one of these sites I am also getting, sitting right at the top of my content, this error message, (along with the bar floating in the middle of the content):

    Warning: file_get_contents(https://feeds.delicious.com/v2/json/urlinfo/data?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdomain.com%2F) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable: Back-end server is at capacity in /home/domain/public_html/wp-content/plugins/digg-digg/include/dd-class.php on line 1726

    3. On one site I am finding, on several occasions, that my entire sidebar fails to load, in all browsers. If I switch Digg Digg off then it loads fine.

    I have 4 or 5 sites all with Digg Digg on, and all have one or more of these problems. I have given up and switched it off on all sites now.

    All help much appreciated, I love it but it just isn’t working. Leo?

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  • I COMPLETELY AGREE with problem number one.

    I am using suffusion theme.

    Hi Peter,

    I’m experiencing a similar issue to your #1. In my case, the bar appears perfectly in Chrome, but doesn’t appear AT ALL in Firefox or IE. However, I have a feeling it’s a positioning issue, because if I watch what’s loading at the bottom of my browser, I can see that the Google +, Pinterest, etc. buttons are LOADING… I just can’t see them. This is also a recent issue; I think it broke with the last Digg Digg update.

    I posted my issue here over a week ago, and still haven’t had a response: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/digg-digg-only-works-in-chrome?replies=1

    I’m using the Thesis theme.


    I got a duct tape type solution to problem #1 until Digg Digg figures this out.

    I think that in my case, the digg digg bar was trying to position itself 80 pix to the LEFT of the RIGHT edge of the picture in my post in IE and FF. This was putting my bar in the middle of the content.

    To give the bar something to position itself against, I put a 1×1 gif as the first thing in my post.

    Apparently, the site now “looks” fixed even thought it really isn’t.

    https://social-drivers.com if you want to see it.

    Hi Peter, Mindy and Diana,

    Sorry for the troubles and thanks so much for the details on the all the bugs, we have been trying everything to get this fixed in the latest update with 5.2.3.

    Is there any chance you could update to this version and see if you are still seeing any problems?

    Really want to get all bugs out of the plugin asap.

    Leo (Co-Founder, Digg Digg by Buffer)

    Hi Leo,

    5.2.3 did not fix the problem; I just sent you an email with the details.


    Thanks so much Diana,

    I have just fixed this for your site. and it should all work normally now!

    The problem seems to have been, that if you have W3 Total Cache or Super Cache installed and you do an update, all caches need to be emptied! ??

    Let me know if any of you are still seeing any further problems, keen to get it all working seamlessly! ??


    It looks like it is fixed on my site.

    I have viewed it in several different browsers and it does look like the bar is going where it is supposed to now. I am running a browsera test now – will let you know the results.

    Is there a reason that I can’t have the floating bar on my homepage?

    In my browsera results, the bar is definitely not across my content. I don’t see the bar at all actually. I hope my viewers see it. That is all that matters ??

    Thread Starter peter1


    There you go. I gave up on it and pulled it off my sites and put getsocial on. Worked fine. 6 sites.

    But then I upgraded getsocial and it broke 3 of my sites, all content completely gone and an error message on the page. I downgraded to the previous version and all worked well again, so I’m not upgrading.

    It seems that there’s problems with them all!

    So today I took one site, put digg digg back on it and turned it on and enabled floating bar.

    No sign of the bar in any browser, so back to an old version of getsocial for me!

    Hi Peter,
    Just fired a quick email over in case there might be a chance you didn’t get the below.

    Really appreciate you tried out Digg Digg again on one site of yours. You mentioned, that it wasn’t showing up at all then. Was that for individual posts or on the landing page? The thing is that we have removed the option to display the floating bar on the landing page, as it didn’t make a lot of sense to share a home page.

    If there is any chance, could you let me know if the floating bar also isn’t working on the individual pages for the site you have tried it out on?

    Keen to get things working well for you as soon as possible!


    PS: You guys are all amazing for letting us know about the issues, we will be iterating again and again until the plugin just works seamlessly on every blog! ??

    Thread Starter peter1


    Copy of my reply to Leo’s email:

    Hi Leo, spot on, I just looked at it on the home page. Tried again and it’s fine in IE, firefox and Chrome on inside pages.

    I’d have to say though that I really want it on the home page, on one site at least that’s where I get most of my likes, so not so happy if it’s not on the home page.

    Otherwise working for me now, thanks.

    I agree – I like it on my homepage as well. Have you been receiving complaints from people that they could put it on their homepage?

    That seems like an arbitrary decision unless you needed to remove it from the homepage in order to fix the bugs.

    I would like that option returned, please.

    Thread Starter peter1


    Yes I’m a definite vote for the homepage, I’ve stuck to getsocial, even though it’s got it’s own problems now, just because it’s available on the homepage. I get most of my visitors on the homepage and so that’s the place to get the likes.

    But it seems that Digg does work ok now for me, though I only tried it on one site, not all.

    Hi – I’d also like to put my vote in to have the floating bar on my homepage too. I’ve just installed Digg Digg on Thesis, seems to work just fine, except I can’t add it to my homepage.

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