• Resolved erh


    Is there a way for this plugin to be used to display multiple facebook feeds from multiple, independent groups?

    I tried simply using a second shortcode option specifying the new page ID (AKA: [ik_fb_feed id=736022203086513]), but that doesn’t seem to display anything.

    The default FB Page ID I’m using in the actual settings of the Plugin is working fine, so I don’t think its an issue of an invalid Secret Key or AppID. Although, having thought about it just now, how does the AppID identify the particular group I’m interested in creating a feed for? I could have been a member of multiple groups…


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  • Thread Starter erh


    Ahh never mind, it appears it was a cacheing issue. After a few hours the second group was working just fine. Good stuff.

    On that note, I did have another question. Is there a way to make the “posted by” and the “date” appear on the same line? Right now it looks like so:

    <Post Contents here><Post Contents here><Post Contents here>
    Posted By Someone Special
    3 hours ago

    I would save some vertical screen real-estate if we could have these appear on the same line. Like so:

    <Post Contents here><Post Contents here><Post Contents here>
    Posted By Someone Special – 3 hours ago

    I found the code portion in the php file which controlled this, but I didn’t see any easy way to put them on the same line.

    //output Posted By... text, if option is set
    					//only add the author if there is line item content to display
    					if(isset($item->from)){ //output the author of the item
    							$from_text = $item->from->name;
    						if(strlen($from_text) > 1){
    							$posted_by_text = '<p class="ikfb_item_author">' . __('Posted By ', $this->textdomain) . $from_text . '</p>';
    							//add custom posted by styling from pro options
    								$posted_by_text = $this->ikfb_posted_by_styling($posted_by_text);
    							//TBD: make Custom HTML option for Posted By
    							$line_item .= $posted_by_text;
    				//output date, if option to display it is enabled
    				//TBD: Allow user control over date formatting
    					setlocale(LC_TIME, WPLANG);
    					$ik_fb_use_human_timing = get_option('ik_fb_use_human_timing');
    					if(strtotime($date) >= strtotime('-1 day') && !$ik_fb_use_human_timing){
    						$date = $this->humanTiming(strtotime($date)). __(' ago', $this->textdomain);
    						$ik_fb_date_format = get_option('ik_fb_date_format');
    						$ik_fb_date_format = strlen($ik_fb_date_format) > 2 ? $ik_fb_date_format : "%B %d";
    						$date = strftime($ik_fb_date_format, strtotime($date));
    						$date = '<p class="date">' . $date . '</p>';
    						//add custom date styling from  options
    							$date = $this->ikfb_date_styling($date);
    					$line_item .= $date;
    Plugin Author richardgabriel



    I strongly recommend against modifying the code. This presents a few problems, including the code being lost every time you update the plugin.

    That being said, I expect you could adjust this via CSS (and you can set any Custom CSS in the Settings Panel.)

    The easiest way to do this, in my opinion, is to look at the feed with Firebug, make changes until it looks correct, and then copy and paste the modified CSS into the Custom CSS box.

    I hope that helps!


    Thread Starter erh


    Hi Richard,

    Yea, I’m sure modifying the code is going to bite me in the rear. I’m pretty bad at CSS (and not all that great at HTML, to be honest). But I’ll work out using that as a more permanent (or at least future proof) solution.

    Thanks for the response, and for the great plugin!


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