• i was curious if there is a way to have different header images on my pages. https://www.visitbelmarnj.com. when i go from page to page i would like to have different pictures displayed across the top. sorry if this is a simple answer. just getting into the wordpress world and have not found an answer to this in my searches. currently right now i call a table that displays all of the information in my header.php file. is it possible to just have multiple header files? i thought that may be answer but was unsucessful in trying to implement that. – thanks for any support on this

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  • Check this out.

    Using the is_page(‘page slug‘) conditional tag you should be able to specify different images for different pages. More information on how to do this can be found in the link I provided above (WordPress Codex “Conditional Tags” page)

    Thread Starter zendar73


    thanks i will check it out.

    using the conditional tags works but adds more code to your page which is bad for SEO. I would suggest calling a completely different header and simply using a different div class to call the image from the css. It is also a lot less bulky to edit over time.

    I wanted this as well. Found a script that puts a random header image up, and I rotate the jpg’s in and out of the specified folder to keep things fresh up on top.

    Only thing against it is that one friend wanted to download one of the images and kept getting a different one.:0

    I found an answer! Look at this brilliant plug in. Works like a charm on 2.7.


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