I have a similar question and would be really grateful for any help I can get. I don’t understand PHP.
I am using the 3 column relaxation theme and want to have rotating headers. I tried to follow the instructions suppleid by the theme designer here
But I did something wrong at the point where the styelsheet has to be changed.
Then I put everything back how it was and tried the plugin Rustedwire linked to. It’s installed & activated but I am getting this message at the top of my site:
Warning: array_rand(): First argument has to be an array in C:\Domains\sarsaparillablog.net\wwwroot\wp-content\plugins\randomheader Folder\randomheader.php on line 41
The same message appeared when I switched back to Kubrick.
What should I do? I have uploaded a collection of alternate header images to the Images folder inside the Relaxation 3 Column folder. Are they in the wrong place for the above plugin to work properly? And also, should the random image .jpgs have any particular kind of filename?
Again, thankyou in advance for help with this.