Hi iltdevunit, what do you mean “leave OU out of the Base DN entirely” ? Do you specified the OU elsewhere than in the base DN field ?
My problem is i’m trying to use the bulk import with one or more OU in the base DN, but if try to add something other than the two dcs, like :
the import fails whatever security group i set, when there actually is users belonging to the security group i specified and who are in the folder dc1.dc2/Users/Staff in the AD tree.
I tried to modify the code part who imports users to :
$members = $this->_adldap->folder_list(array('Staff','Users'), ADLDAP_FOLDER, false, 'user');
but it does not work, the array’s not being filled properly (i have value ‘array’ inside and a number). This method does also not filter by security groups but it’s not a problem for me since i need all users regardless of their group, but regardful of their OU.
The plugin author said that import from a specific OU is not possible yet ( https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/bulk-import-only-users-from-a-specific-ou?replies=3 ) but i’m sure that with the good modification in the good place it’ll work like a charm.
So if someone has any idea he’s welcome ??