At the moment wp-pano plugin only works with one virtual tour with any number of panoramas and scenes. But the functionality of the wp-pano has the capability to expand to work with several virtual tours. For this, define a vtour_name parameter, in future to be able to identify the different virtual tours.
Currently, the task with multiple virtual tours can be solved by means of the krpano code.
For example tour.xml:
<krpano vtour_name="cities">
<include url="%$WPPANOPATH%/xml/wp-pano.xml"/>
<action name="start" autorun="onstart">
if(location == 'berlin', loadpano(berlin.xml, wp_pano.pano=berlin.xml));
if(location == 'london', loadpano(london.xml, wp_pano.pano=london.xml));
if(location == 'paris', loadpano(paris.xml, wp_pano.pano=paris.xml));
Embed pano: [wp-pano vars="'location':'berlin'"]
But in this case you should use the scenes in each xml file because the wp-pano does not identify the newly downloaded xml file and will remember only tour.xml. This is due to the work of krpano and I can’t fix…
More detail about it you can find on the krpano forum: