Multiple posts in different pages
This may help if you run into the problem of posting to different pages of your wp site.
Please follow the steps here:– Install plugin: “Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin” and activate it.
– Create your post and assign it to a category. If you article fits into more pages of your site categorize them to all appropriate pages. This can post your article to several pages of your site, but prevents it from multiple content. You will see how.
– Click on your side bar on the category which contains the articles you want to post on a page of your site.
– Copy the page’s URL
– Go to pages at you WP admin, click all pages.
click of edit of page you want to post the articles.
– Scroll down, under the page visual/text window, you should see a window called “Quick page/Post Redirect”. Check “Make Redirect Active.(check to turn on)”
– Place the copied URL from the category page into the “Redirect URL:” section.
Leave “Type of Redirect” section on default (302 Temporary)
– Update page at Publish section.
– Go to your webpage you wanted to post your articles, click on it. It should show all posts on that page which are in the same category.
– You want to add new posts to that page, just create them and assign them under the same category as former posts.I hope it helps! ??
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