• Resolved ahdok



    I recently updated my old comicpress (which was around 2.9) to the newest version of comicpress and everything broke. Quite literally everything. I’ve spent a week playing around with some of the settings and I’ve managed to fix a bunch of stuff, but I have some questions

    So, for reference, here is my page: https://comicpress.socksandpuppets.com/

    I’m somewhat familiar with CSS. I have no idea how to write anything in PHP. I’m currently using the base comicpress theme.

    (I posted a topic yesterday, but I’ve managed to fix quite a few of the issues in that topic, so I’ve marked it as resolved. Please ignore it, or feel free to delete it if you have mod powers.)


    1) I have a problem with comicpress – config in the wordpress dashboard. There, there’s an option to set the “comic category” (it’s set to “blog posts” by default.) – I can’t edit this in any way, the page says that changing these options will give me code to paste into comicpress-config.php, but editing the options and hitting “submit” just generates a large empty text box, and a message that I don’t have a config file. I’m not sure if this is important to fix.

    2) The archive used to generate an automatic page that gave breaks in the list at the end of every year. Now it’s just one huuge list that’s much more difficult to navigate. Is there any way to generate an archive with breaks at the end of each year like the old archive?

    3) I really want to remove the right sidebar. I don’t have a lot of content or advertising or any other stuff I want to display alongside my posts, and the cleanest format for my comic would be to have a single content column all the way down the page. Unfortunately, comicpress doesn’t provide a “1 column” layout option, so I’m forced to have two. I’d suggest this as a feature for future versions, but for now, is there any way for me to change the format to only have the content column, without displaying any sidebars?

    4) The menu options that let you skin the comic navigation used to give me a series of button options, and tell me where I could upload my own graphics. Now, this function doesn’t seem to do anything. I’d like to replace the awful looking below-comic navigation with my own custom buttons, and remove the pixel-wide box drawn around the navigation menu. How do I go about setting this up?

    Additionally, I’d like to have an archives link button in that navigation if possible. I’ve seen it on other comics, how do I get it?

    5) I have a separate category for blog posts to comics, because most of my readers don’t care for my boring ranting. In my menubar, I have a link that takes you to that category (labelled “blog”) but there are a number of things I’d like to change about how it works:

    5a: For some reason, the site doesn’t seem to recognise I’m on the blog category page when you click on the button, so it doesn’t light up the same way that the archive or comic buttons do when you click on those. Why? How do I fix it?

    5b: The category page only generates 10 entries, and you have to click to navigate to older ones. How do I set it up to populate a complete list?

    5c: (very minor) the padding for the title on the category page seems to be messed up, I can’t figure out which line of the CSS I need to edit (or add) to fix this. Any ideas?

    6) I’d like to be able to draw custom social media buttons and use those, rather than the defaults, is this simply a case of finding the graphics within the comicpress folder and replacing them?

    7) This is really minor, but the social media buttons and the “n comments” and “comments RSS” links link at the bottom of my comic post are all on their own lines. This generates a large amount of wasted whitespace between the post and the comments. I’d save space and it’d look a bit nicer if I could put all three elements on the same line. Where’s the template code that would let me edit this, and what would I need to do to make this change?

    Any help with these issues would be very much appreciated. Most of the documentation I can find is very complex, and I just don’t understand it.

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  • Thread Starter ahdok


    Huzzah, I fixed (2) – the Comic Easel site has some guidelines for modifying shortcodes:


    Thread Starter ahdok


    I have an extra question: Is it possible to set the width of the page (ideally the comic wrapper and the content wrapper below) to automatically widen when the comic is wider than the wrapper? Comicpress scales down the comic image automatically, which can leave some of my larger comics unreadable – and 980px is quite restrictive.

    I don’t want to just make the page wider in general, because most of my comics are narrower than the limit…

    Thread Starter ahdok


    Thanks to the help of someone who actually knows what they’re doing, I’ve discovered that the page entries and the category entries in the comicpress template are governed by entirely different CSS code, and I’ve now managed to force the blog link in the navbar to behave correctly (although it’s quite hacky) – So I’ve now “fixed” 5a

    My clever friend thinks that it’s not really possible to fix 5c, so I’m writing that one off.

    Theme Author Frumph


    I think you should look into learning about developer tools inside the browser you use so you can associate HTML sections with CSS it uses.

    Chrome – F10 opens it up, as well as Firefox for developers F10 etc.

    Thread Starter ahdok


    I’m doing that… a lot of the CSS properties are being re-written by a huge number of properties.

    Still, I’ve solved several of these issues now. I’m still having some issues though, and I don’t think they’re CSS related.

    1) I still haven’t found a way to remove the right sidebar. I think it’s pretty integral to the templates currently available to Comicpress, and it’s way beyond my abilities to rewrite the whole template to remove it without screwing the whole page up. Are there any plans to include a one-column layout in future updates?

    2) How do I tell Comicpress/Comic Easel to display more than 10 entries per page in a set category? I’d rather have a full archive than have users have to click through pages and pages of “next 10 entries”

    2a) The Comic Easel character feature is pretty cool, but similarly, it only displays 10 entries per page when I click on it. Is there any way to force it to show all the entries instead? Here’s an example of where that’s an issue: https://comicpress.socksandpuppets.com/character/david/
    (These two might be the same answer?)

    These are the two things I most want to sort out at the moment.

    Thread Starter ahdok


    It turns out that the Comic Easel oages generation take their settings from the wordpress-reading options, rather than having options built into them… not that any of the documentation I’ve found explains this.

    I’m now pretty much down to just wanting to remove the right sidebar, which requires a feature implementing in comicpress to allow it, I think, so I’m marking this as solved…

    Theme Author Frumph


    Comic easel pages generation comes from the theme you use. If it’s comicpress it uses the single.php or single-comic.php file.

    If your using ComicPress you would modify the layout-head.php and layout-foot.php files which control the layout of your site. Preferably in a child theme.

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