• Here’s what I need to do:

    I need to move the website “/public_html/forum”

    into the folder “/public_html/zenpress/”

    I have multiple sites within this directory that all need to be accessed with the same login/cookie tracking as the wordpress site at “/public_html/forum”.

    The main reason for this is that I have a zen-cart installation in “/public_html/zenpress/cart” that is very important. I want people to be able to browse the whole site, and not lose their shopping cart contents when they leave “/public_html/zenpress/cart”
    (I realize that the cart’s cookie keeps records for 24 minutes, but I was thinking it would be best to have the same cookie/login throughout the site.
    *Note- I don’t want it to be necessary for someone to login at all, but if I choose to add that function for any reason, I want to only have to add it in the wordpress @ /public_html/forum and it will give access to all sites within that directory.

    Also important- but less urgent: I also need to update the search bar so that it includes all the sites and add a cart image to the header so I can link it to a cart.

    Thank you!


    I’ve been using information from:


    So far everything works fairly well, but I’m not sure what to do about the part titled:

    Zen Cart? Compatibility Functions for your WordPress Theme’s functions.php

    –the author says to add the following code but I’m not sure where to add it:

    define(‘ZENCART_DIRECTORY’,’products’); // name of the directory in which ZenCart is installed
    // START ZenCart Functions
    * updateShoppingCart() – inserts/updates a WPDB copy of the ZenCart shopping cart
    function updateShoppingCart(){
    global $wpdb;
    $cart = $_SESSION[‘cart’];
    $qty = 0;
    foreach($cart->contents as $item){
    $qty = $qty + $item[‘qty’];
    if($wpdb->get_var(‘SHOW TABLES LIKE “‘ .$wpdb->prefix. ‘zen_cart”‘) != $wpdb->prefix.’zen_cart’) {
    $sql = “CREATE TABLE ” .$wpdb->prefix. “zen_cart (
    id INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,
    qty INT( 11 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL ,
    total DECIMAL( 10, 2 ) NOT NULL ,
    zenid VARCHAR (64) NOT NULL ,
    time timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
    PRIMARY KEY ( id )
    $cart_id = $wpdb->get_var(‘SELECT id FROM ‘ .$wpdb->prefix. ‘zen_cart WHERE id=’ .$cart->cartID);
    if($cart_id != $cart->cartID){
    $sql = ‘INSERT INTO ‘ .$wpdb->prefix. ‘zen_cart VALUES (‘.$cart->cartID.’,’.$qty.’,”‘.sprintf(‘%.2f’,$cart->total).'”,”‘.$_COOKIE[‘zenid’].'”,”‘ .current_time(‘mysql’).'”)’;
    } else {
    $sql = ‘UPDATE ‘ .$wpdb->prefix. ‘zen_cart
    SET qty=’.$qty.’,total=”‘.sprintf(‘%.2f’,$cart->total).'”,zenid=”‘.$_COOKIE[‘zenid’].'”,time=”‘ .current_time(‘mysql’).'” WHERE id=’.$cart->cartID;

    * getShoppingCart() – retrieves the WPDB copy of the user’s ZenCart shopping cart
    function getShoppingCart(){
    global $wpdb;
    $cart_row = $wpdb->get_row(‘SELECT qty,total FROM ‘.$wpdb->prefix.’zen_cart WHERE zenid=”‘.$_COOKIE[‘zenid’].'” ORDER BY time DESC’, ARRAY_A);
    return $cart_row;
    } else {
    return false;
    } else {
    return false;

    * cleanShoppingCarts() – deletes WPDB copies of ZenCart shopping carts older than 900s
    function cleanShoppingCarts(){
    global $wpdb;
    $calculation = ‘TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,time,”‘ .current_time(‘mysql’).'”)’;
    $comparison = $calculation. ‘ > 900’;
    $sql = ‘SELECT id FROM ‘.$wpdb->prefix.’zen_cart WHERE (‘ .$comparison. ‘)’;
    $old_carts = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
    foreach($old_carts as $old_cart){
    $wpdb->query(‘DELETE FROM ‘.$wpdb->prefix.’zen_cart WHERE id=’ .$old_cart->id);

    * empty_wp_zencart() – deletes a WPDB copy of a ZenCart shopping cart
    function empty_wp_zencart($zenid){
    global $wpdb;
    $wpdb->query(‘DELETE FROM ‘.$wpdb->prefix.’zen_cart WHERE zenid=”‘.$wpdb->escape($zenid).'”‘);
    // END ZenCart Functions

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