Hi @mraquibulislam!
At the Developer tab of the slider’s settings:
you can find a “Clear both” row. This creates a clear:both;
css code created new line before and after our slider. You should remove the after clearing from the first slider and the before clearing from the 2nd slider and they should be able to go into the same row.
Just make sure at both sliders you have Auto responsive mode:
with “Upscale” being turned off.
But your publishing method could also create linebreaks, without giving you a choice, so if this wouldn’t work out, try to use our shortcodes:
in a part, where you can enter HTML codes and you could create something like this:
<div style="width:50%;float:left;">[first slider]</div> <div style="width:50%;float:right;">[second slider]</div>
to write it with your own code, to only take up 50% space for each slider.