• Hi there!

    We’re having some trouble with several payments over the past couple weeks. Subscription renewals processing through Yith & the WooCommerce Stripe Gateway keep creating payment intents over and over again for multiple days even after payments are received during the first intent. In Stripe I can see each person was charged multiple times daily until I manually mark as complete. For the client this is a very serious issue and trust breaking with clients as they’ve been extremely overcharged and the client has had to run numerous refunds.

    Just a few notes on my investigation:

    • This issue only seemed to start in the last week or so (around the time of the WooCommerce Stripe Gateway update) as we haven’t had an issue like this previously
      • Some of their major changes are thins like adding “automatic” to the capture method for subscriptions
    • From what I gather the process looks like this:
      • The Woo plugin waits for Yith to run a subscription renewal check ->
      • Yith sends a notice that payments are required ->
      • I assume Woo sends a payment intent to Stripe ->
      • Stripe send a charge ID back to confirm payment ->
      • That ID is associated with the order -> and it’s completed
    • *However if the ID is empty or not added to the order Yith sees it as not paid and will send the request again and again until status changed to complete or an ID is added

    I can see in the logs for Woo Stripe a charge ID does come back, but it isn’t getting added to the order.

    I’ve been in touch with Woo about this (they’re suggesting to also contact Yith), you’re welcome to review that thread here for more info: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/multiple-payment-intents-on-renewal-even-after-payment-succeeded/#post-17931213

    We are using:

    • WordPress 6.6.1
    • Woocommerce 9.1.2
    • Woo Stripe Gateway 8.5.2
    • Yith subscriptions 3.3.1

    Here’s a snip of one day of order notes showing multiple payment intents happening:?https://snipboard.io/KGk1OE.jpg

    Here’s a snip showing the empty charge ID: https://snipboard.io/jrgGMY.jpg

    Grateful for any thoughts or support on this one!

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