• First of all, I’m pretty excited about wordpress. I haven’t installed it just yet, but I’m going to give it a try very soon :).
    That said, will you be able to run multiple weblogs off of the same wordpress install, as movable type has? I’m not sure if it’s already been integrated, but I’d like to see it in a future release if it hasn’t yet been implemented. ??

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  • rob


    I’ve done a bit of a hack to allow multiple blogs to use the same DB, different content tables and the same user table. What you get is different installs using seperate content with the same user base. It’s not perfect, but it does work.



    And Rob, was this easy to implement? Can the average joe do it? I’d love to run multiple blogs off the same version of WP.



    Hey, rob? Can you post the source to the multiple blog hack? It’s something I’d be interested in.



    Yes, the lack of multiple blog support, was probably among one of my top concerns, when I decided to use WP. Right now, I have three versions of WordPress running on one domain, and also three MySql databases. eek.
    Wordpress makes up for it by being easy to use, streamlined, and fast-loading, and just wonderful in general, however, this is probably one of the top features that I would like to see in the future.



    i too have 3 blogs running of a single domain using 3 different databases.
    and i hope there will be someway to integrating the three blogs into 1 single multiblog as and when it arrives ??
    anyways, 3 database was never necessary! ??

    Hello, I need to open one blog for each of my students (near 130 people). I am in front to install one complete WP to each one.
    Can you share your hack, Rob?
    Thank you for any news about this matter.

    Just to clarify, you can have multiple installations of WP in a single database, just change the table prefix in your wp-config.php file when setting them up.

    Well…. I think there are some who would like to hear whether multiple blogs would be coming up in 1.2
    For example… in ysidoro’s case… it’d be a chore to have 120 copies of WP, + 120 ‘copies of wp in database with 120 different prefix’ if u know what I mean.

    allusion: how does that work though?
    lets say i got 3 blogs on 1 site. wouldnt it be easier to hack some sort of homepage with excerpts of all 3 blogs on the homepage if each blog was in a seperate db?

    i have recently been trying alternatives to MT and i find WordPress the most suitable to me. But my only problem is it does not have multiple blog support which very annoying and as for b2Evolution forget it.(It’s got the most ill designed user interface i have ever seen). So any one has any idea when WordPress would support multiple blogs.

    I’m like the guy above who needs blogware which can give 100’s of blogs from 1 install. WordPress seems to be the best blogware, apart from this achilles heel. Anyhoo … If anyone can recommend a system that I can implement immediately that has the following:
    1. Easy, very easy & intuitive to use (K-12 pupils and worse!, their teachers ??
    2. Moderation (teachers should be able to moderate the 20 blogs in their care
    3. Groovy: must allow uploading of images and have either CSS / skins / easy to personalise.
    I would really, really appreciate any ideas … I’ve been reading about blogware for 3 weeks now, about 2 hours EVERY night and my brain is mush!!
    Thank you – Seaghan Moriarty – Galway, Ireland.

    Yeah. So.
    I tried WordPress and then when I couldn’t get the desired result I went and tried b2evo. Boy, that was a mistake. Oy, I’m still scratching my head 4 hours later. It’s not that I didn’t understand it, its just that there was so much unnecessary nonsense. The blogall blog you have to have by default? wtf was that all about.
    Anywho, I’m curious where (no link above) to find info on building mulitiple installs into one database? I can install WordPress twice until a newer version comes up but first I want to know what I’m doing (I was just using Fantastico to install before so I need slow speaking idiot terms to start) so long as there will, at some point (in the near future I’d hope) be a way to combine the blogs into one install.

    seems to me like everyone wants the features that there are on b2evolution

    What I would really like is a subdivision into sites and blogs. A site can consist of multiple blogs and/or static pages. A site consisting of only one blog would be equivalent to the blog.
    You would of course be able to have different sites, with different URIs, on the same installation. For example have you WP installation at https://wp.example.org, have one site at https://www.example.org, another on https://members.example.org/~jonas, and so forth.
    A static page could be entered like a blog entry but with a specification of the page path instead of categories, etc. Maybe you could select a template from a list for the page. I know you can do the static page thing already, as described for MT by Brad Choate, but it’s really just a hack.
    Adding links within a site is of course also quick and easy, WP showing what pages you have to add links to.
    I have had a site consisting of two blogs in MT earlier, but this too is cumbersome, there is no connection between two blogs even if they are in the same site (since MT doesn’t use the site categorization). Being able to easily interconnect two or more blogs into a larger entity, would be really cool and make my life a lot easier.
    – Jonas

    I hope I am breaking into the right place with this question, as it is related to this string, if a bit in reverse.
    I want to use the same blog content, but offer multiple presentations under different URLs.
    I am working on setting up a blog that will be linked from other sites. Each one of these presentations needs to have to the banner of the linking site.
    Is this possible? If so, any info on how to do it?

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