• First of all, I’m pretty excited about wordpress. I haven’t installed it just yet, but I’m going to give it a try very soon :).
    That said, will you be able to run multiple weblogs off of the same wordpress install, as movable type has? I’m not sure if it’s already been integrated, but I’d like to see it in a future release if it hasn’t yet been implemented. ??

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  • If you mean using multiple blogs from within the same domain to access the same DB, then copy the WP folder to another folder and make necessary in-file path adjustments, if any. So far for development I have not had to adjust any paths other than the obvious CSS/image referencing.

    ASAIK you don’t have to have the multiblog blog (or according to the above terminology “site”) in b2evolution. But it is nice to have there for those that want, say, a link blog, mobile phone blog and standard blog on the same page. I am surprised that people find b2evolution so hard to use. I guess there is contiuum between easy of use and geeky functionality going from wordpress and textpattern through b2evolution to, perhaps, nucleus, geeklog and typo3. But I’m not finding b2evolution difficult. I guess I must be semi-geek. It looks very pretty and easy to use to me. I was waiting for it to happen here, before moving my multiple blogs from movable type, but I don’t see the reason to wait. The only problem is the smaller community. I wish WordPress and b2evolution could somehow remerge. They both came from the same source.
    By the way, this comment box elongates over the right hand bar. I guess my IE6 is not standards compliant.

    “By the way, this comment box elongates over the right hand bar. I guess my IE6 is not standards compliant.”

    What about the MuWordpress project:
    Does that have anything to do with this main WordPress project, or is it an independant code fork? The mu project site duplicates the dev blog from this site, and offers a download of version 1.3. So it’s a little unclear what the relationship is.

    I think it is kind of an official code fork, used to be b2++ but now swallowed up by WordPress, only one guy working on it so you can’t expect the site to be too polished!

    Thanks for the reply. So is the official wordpress project going to support multiple blogs?
    Willis Morse

    Moderator James Huff


    It seems like a possibility. https://mu.www.ads-software.com/

    hi all,

    i havent install wordpress yet. there’s a few things i need to know. does it really support multiple blog? i’ve read all the post but i’m still unsure. anybody got it working yet?

    i want my blog to be something like this:

    1) the blog can be access like this https://www.example.com/blog1, https://www.example.com/blog2, so on and so forth.

    2) all the blog share the same db but different table for different blog user.

    i’ll need just 3 or 4 blogs. 5 at the most. it will be kinda overkill to have each blog with its own installation.

    i was thinking of installing wordpress and modifying it to suit my situation but if anybody have already done this, that would be great.

    Moderator James Huff


    I’m sorry, but if you really did read all of the posts in this thread, you’d know that the default install of WordPress does not support multiple blogs.


    The initial post was 19 months ago and it seemed like this was something that was desired. Any progress?

    I just installed WP and it looks and functions swimmingly. Like other posters, I want to permit all our students to create seperate blogs – 30-50 by the end. I’m a web professional/Sys Admin, so hacks and work-arounds are no problem.

    Any pointers or assistance are greatly appreciated.


    If it is still relevant to you, I am in a very similar position and I hacked together a solution of a different approach: a plurality of individual blogs (‘plural blogs’) to be set up within minutes.

    Check https://metalab.uniten.edu.my/~uwe/resources/HOWTOs/Wordpress2.html

    for details.

    Download the files, and issuing

    blogadd foo

    will create everything, copy the files, create the database and setup wp-config.php for a plurality of users; I have 150 potential users, btw.

    This is *not* multiblog; but on modern harddisks we have sufficient space to bite the (wordpress) bullet and have each user having her own files in her user directory.

    My work of last weekend; so feedback is welcome !


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